[Belgium] Humanitarian mapping project in progress...

Maelle Vercauteren mavercau at ulb.ac.be
Tue Mar 29 14:45:14 PDT 2016

Hello all,

This mail about two parallel projects that could interest you ! ;-)

1) National Missing Maps Mapathon

On Saturday, April 16, in all Belgian geography departments, will be
organized a Mapathon which you are cordially invited to.

This Mapathon gather volunteers for a mapping operation to improve the
coverage of free OpenStreetMap data for areas affected by disasters,
epidemics, ... in order to support humanitarian assistance in its
cartographic needs.

For more information : http://www.internationalmapyear.be/mapathon.php
& registration:

2) A Map for Dunkirk

There is also an other project that seems starting a purely volunteer
'humanitarian mapping project' in Europe.

In collaboration with refugees, the project Jungle maps supported by OSM
France will create a detailed, multi-lingual map of the refugee camp in
Dunkerque to improve the delivery of aid &services and safety & comfort to
the residents.

If you want more information about the project or support them you can find
their crowd funding campaign here :

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