[Belgium] Academic reflection on open source software in geomatics | FOSS4GeoEducation

Maelle Vercauteren mavercau at ulb.ac.be
Sun Jun 18 16:09:32 PDT 2017

 Hello everyone,
For your information, the results of the survey  are available on line and
editable so you are able to supplement the information [1].

Sadly until now we did not receive any answer from the following
Universities: UMons, UNamur, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, UAntwerpen and UGent.
They still may send us their answers even if they would not use free
softwares !

We are sincerely grateful to the 5 Universities (ULB, KULeuven, VUB, UCL
and ULg) which already answered.

With their returns, we have already some encouraging and interesting tracks
that we can deduce:
>From a research point of view:  R software is used in all these Belgian
universities (ULB, KULeuven, VUB, UCL and ULg). With the exception of the
VUB, they all also use PostGIS (PostgreSQL, PgAdmin ... ) and  the Grass
software. The QGIS software is used in all the research groups of these
universities (about 105 researchers)!

On the teaching side: QGIS is taught in all these universities. These
courses cover about 720 students.
Among these courses several teaching materials are developed and already
accessible freely on the Internet (see Academic Section Tab).

If some of you want to go further in analyzing the answers we already
received, I invite you to send your comments by writing (to all)  and / or
by giving your availabilities for a face-to-face meeting in order to set a
date [2].

All the best, Maë//e

[1] https://framacalc.org/=FOSS4G_University_2017

[2] https://framadate.org/xPSyfSXqi4rBia14sV7VKFMc/admin

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