[Belgium] [OSGeo - Belgium] Minutes of the 2017-05-23 meeting

Tommy Oozeer tommyoozeer at skynet.be
Wed May 31 11:26:26 PDT 2017


Thank you for your feedback.
You are completely right, as always. ;-)
The minutes have been updated.



-----Message d'origine-----
De : Belgium [mailto:belgium-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] De la part de Moritz Lennert
Envoyé : mercredi 31 mai 2017 11:35
À : belgium at lists.osgeo.org
Objet : Re: [Belgium] [OSGeo - Belgium] Minutes of the 2017-05-23 meeting

On 31/05/17 11:20, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> On 26/05/17 09:11, Tommy Oozeer wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> You can find the minutes
> Thanks !
> As I wasn't at any of these, I won't edit directly but comment here.
>> of last Tuesday meeting on the wiki [1].
> Venue:
> Action: Gaël : reserve the BEL for September 23 and check if BEL is 
> available on 26/09
> I imagine this is October and /10 not September and /09
>> The minutes of the last General Assembly are also available [2].
> I imagine the budget 2017 was approved ? ;-)

P.S. Is someone taking care of the fiscal declaration 2017, income of
2016 ? We have until October to do it, but it might be saner to do it before as that period will be taken by foss4g.be...

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