[Belgium] AG 2018 - Preparation’s

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Tue Feb 27 23:55:43 PST 2018

On 28/02/18 00:45, Maelle Vercauteren wrote:
> Hello all,
> Ok let's do it on the global mailing list then, the idea was just to 
> discuss organisational matters with people who committed to give some 
> time for OSGeo.be and to speed things up given that time is flying...
> 1. We need to set the date now.
> According to the open doodle [1], the most popular dates were March 5th, 
> 12th, 26th or 29th.
> It's already too late for the two first ones.

And for me personally it's too late for the 29th. Something else has 
come up on that evening that I cannot miss.

So, I would prefer the 26th.


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