[Belgium] Script for creating OSGeoLive USB keys in bash and in parallel

Taïs Grippa tgrippa at ulb.ac.be
Mon Jan 21 01:58:35 PST 2019

Hi all,

I had to create bootable USB keys from the OSGeoLive ISO image (.iso) 
for a workshop with 60 participants. To avoid spending too much time, I 
created a bash SCRIPT that creates the OSGeoLive USB Keys fast.  It 
allows for parallelization of the procedure, so you can plug many keys 
on your computer (USB hub) and save precious time.

I created my 60 keys in 10 batches (2.5 hours in total) :-)

The script is available here: 


*M. GRIPPA Taïs*
Geographer - Phd student IGEAT - ANAGEO
ULB CP 130/03 Av. F.D. Roosevelt, 50 - 1050 Bruxelles
Tél: 02/650.68.03
Mail: Tais.Grippa at ulb.ac.be
Web: http://maupp.ulb.ac.be/

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