[Belgium] Tasks for foss4g.be

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Tue Jun 4 00:12:44 PDT 2019

Hi everyone,

I haven't seen the minutes of the general assembly, yet, but AFAIR, we 
did decide on a few tasks and responsable persons for these tasks for 
the preparation of the foss4g.be on Octobre 24.

In my eyes, the two most important tasks at this stage are:

- Call for sponsors

- Call for presentations

These should go out ASAP in order to avoid sending them too shortly 
before summer vacation time.

Who were the persons responsable for these two calls (maybe one of them 
was me, but I can't remember...) ?

Has anything already been done ?

And if those responsable persons cannot complete the tasks, could they 
please let us know ASAP, so that someone else can take over ?

Also the web site foss4g.be is not fully functional yet (try 
https://2019.foss4g.be/call). So, we do need help from one or two people 
who could spend some time and loving care on that web site.


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