[Belgium] Call of paper, last call ...

Gaël Kruwialis gael.kruwialis at ngi.be
Wed Sep 4 04:31:40 PDT 2019

Last day to propose a paper for the foss4g.be
Can someone  follow this announcement on twitter & facebook

Johan can you tell us how many subjects already submitted?

Gaël Kruwialis
Institut Géographique National | Nationaal Geografisch Instituut
Spatial Data Infrastructure
Abbaye de la Cambre 13, 1000 Bruxelles
E-mail: gael.kruwialis at ngi.be | www.ngi.be<http://www.ngi.be/>
Tel: +322.629.84.47

[Résultat de recherche d'images pour "ign ngi"]<http://www.ngi.be/>


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