[Belgium] Meeting after work on 26/07/22

Gaël Kruwialis gael.kruwialis at ngi.be
Sat Jul 16 01:23:17 PDT 2022

Hi all,
For those of you who are still in Belgium, I propose a small meeting, an after work this Tuesday 26th July from 6pm (just one month before the Foss4G in Italy).
If you can't make it but are interested, don't hesitate to let it know on the mailing list...

Where: BrewDog Brussels (right next to Brussels Central Station) Putterie 20, 1000 Brussels
Please forward this invitation to your friends and colleagues even if you can't make it.
Objective of the meeting :
To meet each other, Discuss possible future activities of your community such as the General Assembly, a Foss4G Belgium, a network of expertise exchange, and prepare the Belgium delegation at State of Map & Foss4G ...


Met vriendelijke groeten, Cordialement, Kind Regards,

Gaël Kruwialis  |   Spatial Data Infrastructure
Institut géographique national  |  Avenue de Cortenbergh 115  |  1000 Bruxelles
+32 (0)2 629 84 47  |  ign.be

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