[Belgium] [foss4G 2022] Next online meeting : wednesday 18h & Tasks to handle

Marc Ducobu marc.ducobu at champs-libres.coop
Sun Sep 18 13:01:39 PDT 2022

Hello All,

I'm very happy that the next OSGEO/OSM Belgian conference will stand on 
the 17th November \°/. Before enjoying it, there is a lot of work to 
handle, I hope that you will help.


_Next meetings:_

The next online-meeting for preparing the event is this wednesday at 
18h. The link to participate is https://conf.domainepublic.net/OSGEO-BE !

The following week, we will organize another after-work meeting at 
Brussels (near Central Station). Can you tell us when it is possible for 
you to participate -> https://nuages.domainepublic.net/m/Teyk0/ ?

_Tasks to handle:_

The following tasks have to be done soon ! If you have some time, please 
assign yourself to one of it :

- check the call of papers (FR) -> 

- translate the call of papers (FR to NL) -> 

- write the call of sponsors (FR & NL) -> (take an old call of sponsors 
and update it for 2022)

- set up a way for paper submission

If you didn't find a task in the previous list, you can find less urgent 
task here : 
https://semestriel.framapad.org/p/event_geo_b1449034bx-9wgg?lang=en . To 
take a task just replace the "[who ?]" by "[you name]". You can find all 
the documents created during the past edition on our google drive, If 
you do not have access to it, please ask me.

Another way to communicate quickly is to use our chat : 

Have a nice evening.

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