[Belgium] Next GeoDevEvening : Topology in PostGIS - Tuesday 13th june - Brussels

Gael gael at checksum.be
Sun Jun 18 15:08:33 PDT 2023

Hello everyone,
Following our last GeoDevEvening event, Geopostcodes welcomed us and 
hosted the meeting, and I'm sharing the teaching material with you:
- The tutorial: https://workshop.geopostcodes.com
- The slides: 
- As a bonus, and for the more curious, GeoPostcodes has also published 
a few blog articles: https://www.geopostcodes.com/blog/
Here's one of the favourites: 
https://www.geopostcodes.com/blog/zip-code-to-coordinates-converter/ .
To keep up to date with all the latest news, don't hesitate to follow 
them on their social networks (linkedin or twitter de GeoPostcodes).

See you soon for a new next GeoDevEvening and don't hesitate to come and 
suggest one to us

For OSGeo.be, Gael

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Matrix : https://matrix.to/#/#osgeo-be:matrix.org 
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Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/people/Foss4g-Belgium/100068093147129/

Le 07-06-23 à 22:28, Marc Ducobu a écrit :
> Hello OSGeo.be,
> We are pleased to invite you to our next GeoDevEvening about Topology 
> in PostGIS
> When?  Tuesday, June 13 at 6:30 p.m.
> Where?  Spaces - Brussels, Court of Justice.
>               Rue aux Laines 68, 1000 Brussels
> Speaker? Benjamin Deswysen
> Registration is mandatory : 
> https://www.eventbrite.be/e/osgeodevevening-postgis-topology-tickets-645265475407
> See you there!
> For OSGeo.be, Marc
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