[Belgium] Save the date: January 16th.
Gael (checksum)
gael at checksum.be
Mar 10 Déc 12:14:59 PST 2024
Dear Members,
Before we get swept away by the end-of-year (...) , we are happy to
invite you to our next gathering!
*Save the date: January 16th.*
On the agenda: presentations, discussions about our anniversary
(OSGeo.be will turn 10!), conviviality, fosdem and, of course, some beers...
Until then, I wish you everything you need to get through the final
stretch, and, a little early, very happy holiday celebrations!
Follow us on :
Matrix :https://matrix.to/#/#osgeo-be:matrix.org
Telegram :https://t.me/osgeobelgium
Twitter :https://twitter.com/osgeobe &https://twitter.com/foss4gbe
Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/people/Foss4g-Belgium/100068093147
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