[Belgium] Fwd: Call for Participation: Geospatial devroom at FOSDEM 2025

Johan Van de Wauw johan.vandewauw at gmail.com
Mer 6 Nov 11:46:35 PST 2024

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Edward Betts <edward at 4angle.com>
Date: Fri, Nov 1, 2024 at 12:19 PM
Subject: Call for Participation: Geospatial devroom at FOSDEM 2025
To: <fosdem at lists.fosdem.org>, <devroom-managers at lists.fosdem.org>, <
geospatial-devroom at lists.fosdem.org>

After three years, the Geospatial devroom is back at FOSDEM.

We need your expertise. Submit a talk proposal for the 2025 devroom at
happening 1-2 February in Brussels, Belgium. Help us spread the word by
sharing this Call for Participation with your geospatial FOSS community.

## Suggested topics

The Geospatial devroom welcomes all things geo-related. Here are some ideas:

* FOSS GIS software and toolchains
* Geodata visualisation
* JavaScript libraries for web-based geo applications
* Mobile and field data collection
* Machine learning and AI in geospatial
* Standards, interoperability, and data sharing
* OpenStreetMap and collaborative mapping
* Climate and environmental applications
* Urban planning and smart cities
* Geospatial and Internet of Things (IoT)
* Real-world case studies and success stories

## Important dates

- Sunday, 1 December 2024: Submission deadline (midnight Brussels time)
- Sunday, 15 December 2024: Notification of selected talks
- Saturday, 1 February 2025: Geospatial devroom takes place (morning)

## Submissions

To submit a proposal, visit https://fosdem.org/submit and select "Geospatial
devroom" as the track.

We're planning for 25-minute talks, including time for Q&A. We'll also have
some 10-minute lightning talk slots available, please indicate your
when submitting.

## Code of conduct

Please review the FOSDEM code of conduct:


geospatial-devroom mailing list
geospatial-devroom at lists.fosdem.org
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