FW: Fwd: [Benchmarking] ESRI Participation

Satish Sankaran ssankaran at esri.com
Wed Aug 26 13:10:02 EDT 2009

This message probably did not make it to the mailing group when it was sent earlier. Here it is again.




-----Original Message-----
From: Satish Sankaran 
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 9:16 AM
To: 'Frank Warmerdam'
Cc: Ismael Chivite; Eric Bader; Performance testing of OSGeo and other web service engines.
Subject: RE: Fwd: [Benchmarking] ESRI Participation

Hi Frank,

	Thanks for allowing us to participate on the RHEL platform. We at ESRI are quite thrilled at this opportunity to participate in the benchmark test and I can confirm ESRI's participation.

I have a couple of immediate questions for the organizers:

1. Is there any paperwork that needs to be completed.
2. Would your core team  take care of the OS install and we would just need to install SDE and our server product (ArcGIS server)
3. Would the core benchmark team setup the postgres data base and will we all be using postgis. I see Oracle and SDE mentioned on the twiki. Would that mean there will be an Oracle and SDE installation available and that we could use that. 
4. Can you also provide links to the data that will be used, so we can get familiar with the data internally here.
5. Can we get links to the machines, where we would be installing the server.
6. Are there any planned conf-calls or is all discussions held via e-mails and the listserv.
7. Can we get more information on the types of performance tests that will be run and the tools used for the tests. 

I assume many of these questions may have been answered in previous threads on the listserv, but I would really appreciate if we can get an e-mail  response, so that we can start getting our action plan together ASAP.

I signed on (yesterday) to the bench mark mailing list and we may have others from ESRI sign up too.

I can serve as a primary contact from our end.



Satish Sankaran
Product Manager - Interoperability and Standards

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:warmerdam at pobox.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 7:33 AM
To: Satish Sankaran
Cc: Ismael Chivite; Eric Bader; Performance testing of OSGeo and other web service engines.
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Benchmarking] ESRI Participation


I have agreed to act as benchmarking liason with ESRI while Paul is away.
We are having our kickoff meeting right now in IRC (presumably you won't
get this till the meeting is over).  We have agreed to reconfigure the
main 2 cpu server with RHEL.  Mike Smith has agreed to act on that promptly.

We need at least one ESRI representative to join the benchmarking mailing
list to represent ESRI as I'm a lousy conduit.  It would be good for that
contact to introduce themselves directly to the group so we all know who
is who.  More than one person is fine of course.


What we would appreciate before Mike proceeds with an OS replacement is
a commitment from ESRI to participate so we know it is worth the rework.

Also, the configuration planning so far is reflected in the wiki at:


Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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