[Benchmarking] Presentation, now or never...

Andrea Aime aaime at opengeo.org
Wed Oct 14 03:47:45 EDT 2009

so we have a set of results for both GeoServer and MapServer,
we need to start working on the presentation.

Here are some proposals, if no one objects we need to start
working on that soon (any takers btw?)


OpenOffice Impress for the presentation
OpenOffice Calc to gather numbers in tables and make charts

I suggest we use the official OSGeo presentation template:


* Introduction
* Test objectives (check performance, find out the best performing
setups, improve both products)
* Test environment chart and machines description (point out the
Xeon boxes are older Xeons)
* Data backends tested
* Test methodology (jmeter, randomized boxes, "big" images,
software versions)

* Test one, areawater_merge -> an indication of how the servers
   and the data backends play in the simplest setup
   - Description of the dataset and styling
   - Show some sample results
   - Show charts for all backends? (4 backends)
   - Maybe introduce a diagram showing differences between the
     various MapServer backends for Oracle and SDE here?
     (OGR, cgi, fastcgi)?
* Test two, edges_merge -> an indication of how the servers do
   play with non trivial styling over a huge data set
   - Description of the dataset and styling
   - Show some sample results
   - Show charts for all backends? Or just one, two?
* Test three, edges_merge_dallas -> an indication of how well
   and fast the servers perform "follow the curve" labeling
   - Description of the styling
   - Show some sample results
   - Show charts. Haven't looked around, but if the results
     differences are proportional to the edges_merge one we
     could decide to show just one chart, maybe the postgis one?
* Test four, gnis_pop09 -> and indication of how fast the
   server can place graphic icons around
   - Description of the dataset and styling
   - Show some sample results
   - Show charts. I guess, same as for labels, show just one/two
     charts here?
* Test five, ECW coverage
   - Description of the dataset
   - Some sample results
   - Show chart
* Test six, 512 tiles mosaic
   - Description of the dataset
   - Show chart
( the following one is just an idea, since we have both results and
   they are close to be comparable
* MapServer and GeoServer on big files: bigtiff vs 8 tiles mosaic?
   - Description of the dataset, explain why GS cannot do bigtiff as
     of now, explain it's sort of apples to oranges (thought in a
     real world scenario the best working approximation of the bigtiff
     for GS is actually the 8 tile mosaic)
   - Show chart
* Software setup tips and tricks (how did we setup MapServer
and GeoServer to get best performance?)
* MapServer: issues found, improvements done, directions for the future
* GeoServer: issues found, improvements done, directions for the future
* That's all folks

That would be around 30-40 slides already, which seems good enough
for me?

Let me know (soon!)


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.

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