[Benchmarking] Vector data

Andrea Aime aaime at opengeo.org
Mon Sep 21 17:41:44 EDT 2009

Jeff McKenna ha scritto:
> Andrea Aime wrote:
>> GeoServer cannot load a set of separate .shp files as a single entity.
>> Mind this data set comes from the original RR test thought, I've
>> never touched it.
>> If you think splitting it up in parts will lead to better performance
>> you should try out that and we can see how much faster things become?
> Great idea.  In fact I spent some time and generated a new vector test 
> dataset for the state of Texas using the TIGER 2008 release.  I am 
> uploading this now so we can all access it:
> vector-data-tiger08-tx-merged (1.1GB)
>  - contains merged files for the entire state
> vector-data-tiger08-tx-counties.zip (1.1GB)
>  - files stored in individual county folders (as released by the US Census)
> I have updated the benchmarking wiki with descriptions of each shapefile 
> (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Benchmarking_2009) and I have also updated 
> the roads styles page for the new classifications 
> (http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Texas_roads_styled)
> My initial tests with MapServer 5.5.0 (dev) are surprising to me:
> - loading merged shapefiles for entire state (>1 GB) are faster than by 
> using tileindexes to access individual counties
> e.g.
> merged: 
> http://labs.gatewaygeomatics.com/cgi-bin/wms_benchmarking_by_merged?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=getmap&layers=vector_benchmarking&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4269&BBOX=-96.980629943844,29.854114257812,-96.79038641357,29.974268066406&WIDTH=950&HEIGHT=600&FORMAT=image/png 
> by county: 
> http://labs.gatewaygeomatics.com/cgi-bin/wms_benchmarking_by_county?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=getmap&layers=vector_benchmarking&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4269&BBOX=-96.980629943844,29.854114257812,-96.79038641357,29.974268066406&WIDTH=950&HEIGHT=600&FORMAT=image/png 
> Questions:
> - what scales should I be focusing on for styling? (or are we only 
> testing the extents that are listed in the Wiki, of La Grange?)

We are testing a random set of bboxes generate by Frank's tool,
but we haven't made any decision on the actual set of scales
to be tested and the image dimension to be tested.

So far I've used the attached .jmx and csv files with JMeter
to make some runs, you may want to have a look on your machine
and check it out (on the benchmarking server we're more or less
running blind due to command line usage and the jmeter
configs being hard to hand edit, so I suggest everybody has
the ability to run JMeter locally as a GUI app too).

> - I need some feedback on what other layers I should style (such as 
> pointlm, arealm)...if no feedback i'll just go ahead and come up with 
> styles for those

I think the point layer was being styled by ESRI?

The poly layer is all yours but I did not find any significant thematic
styling and I proposed some mails ago ("styling tiger_tracs") to
use a uniform style for the polygons, and Michal suggested we
try out a uniform color with partial transparency to check out
how the two servers do with alpha channel management and png24.
Sounds good to me.


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.
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