[Benchmarking] Commit changes to benchmark SVN
Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH
michael.smith at usace.army.mil
Thu Sep 24 15:19:05 EDT 2009
Im going to reboot and diagnose the system.
On 9/24/09 3:02 PM, "Jeff McKenna" <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>> Jeff McKenna wrote:
>>> Jeff McKenna wrote:
>>>> Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>>>>> Yingqi Tang wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I committed some changes to folder esri through svn
>>>>>> http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/foss4g/benchmarking/, I am just
>>>>>> wondering should those changes be reflected on server
>>>>>> /opt/benchmarking? I noticed the same folder
>>>>>> structure but the content seems not updated.
>>>>> Yingqi,
>>>>> As far as I know there is no automatic update on the server. You
>>>>> need to
>>>>> login and do a "svn update" in the appropriate directory.
>>>> Frank is correct, I've been 'svn up' -ing that manually.
>>> But for some reason now when I try that on the BenchmarkingA server I
>>> get:
>>> $ svn up
>>> svn: Can't open file '.svn/lock': Read-only file system
>> Jeff,
>> Possibly this relates to permissions? I had futz a bit with the
>> permissions before I was able to svn update in the directory you originally
>> owned.
>> Personally, I'm not convinced it makes sense for us to all be munching in
>> one common svn tree on the server - the permissions are likely to be a
>> mess.
> Yikes I can't even chown something in my own home directory ("Read-only
> file system")...something is messed alright.
> -jeff
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