[Benchmarking] Plan for handling blank tiles

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Aug 24 04:01:02 EDT 2010

Thanks Alan (and Daniel) for working on this script.

I think in this case it is ok to commit that simplified shp file 
(because it is so small).


(hello from Como, Italy!)

On 10-08-23 10:16 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Mike,
> Since GDAL/OGR is built from source, it would probably be best to
> install the GDAL Python module from your source tree. It's probably
> better that we let you do that since you took care of all the builds so far.
> Alan, please place a copy of the simplified version of the Spain
> boundary file in the /benchmarking/scripts directory the server?
> BTW, is it okay to commit that simplified Spain boundary file in SVN
> (133kB shapefile)?
> Daniel
> Alan Boudreault wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've added the filter_within option in the wms_request script. You may have to
>> install python gdal bindings on the server to use it.
>> Note that to get reasonable script execution time..... you should generalize
>> the dataset passed to the filter_within option. Otherwise, the script will be
>> extremely slow.
>> Thanks,
>> Alan
>> On August 20, 2010 03:50:22 pm Daniel Morissette wrote:
>>> Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday 18 August 2010 23:44:47 Jeff McKenna wrote:
>>>>>     - Ivan will provide a shapefile that contains the existing extents to
>>>>> use for the raster data (Ivan can you point me to this shapefile?)
>>>> This administrative boundary file should do the trick:
>>>> http://ivan.sanchezortega.es/CCAA.gml.bz2
>>> FYI Alan is on this. He should have the new script for you by Monday.
>>> What we're doing is adding a '-filter_within<filename>' option to
>>> wms_request.py (where filename is CCAA.gml in this case, but any
>>> supported OGR format will work as filter file).
>>> The geometry of the first record of this file is loaded and we will
>>> ensure that all bboxes generated fall 'within' this geometry. If you'd
>>> prefer an 'intersect' test please let us know... it's not more work.
>>> The rest of the script will remain unchanged. One caveat is that you'll
>>> have to ensure that the filter file is in the same SRS as the
>>> coordinates specified to the '-region minx miny maxx maxy' arg... there
>>> is no provision for handling SRS in the bbox generator script.
>>> Oh, and for the rasters I presume we will need another filter file since
>>> you do not have coverage for the full country, right?

Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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