[Benchmarking] Kicking off the 2011 Exercise

Iván Sánchez Ortega ivan at sanchezortega.es
Thu Dec 9 08:01:23 EST 2010

On Wednesday 08 December 2010 21:28:08 Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> Mike and I were talking today about the 2011 WMS Benchmarking exercise,
> and we both agree that we must begin asap.  First, we should plan to
> meet through IRC chat in January to begin the exercise.  I'm proposing
> Wed January 12th @ 15:00 UTC
> (http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2011&month=01&day=12
>&hour=15&min=0&sec=0). Is that ok for everyone?
> We also need to start thinking of participants for 2011, and who else to
> invite etc.  I've started a table of participants on the wiki for
> participants and who to contact, so please edit:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Benchmarking_2011

Then, I think it's a good time to get Jean-Francois "Jeff" Faudi 
<jeanfrancois.faudi at gmail.com> into the loop. He wrote me a month ago, 
offering a couple hundred gigabytes of Spot Image's next generation of aerial 
imagery. Or something like that.

So, Jeff, if you're reading this, please put your name on that wiki page, and 
attend the IRC meeting ;-)

Iván Sánchez Ortega <ivan at sanchezortega.es> <ivan at geonerd.org>

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