[Benchmarking] split contour files are different

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Jul 26 18:58:11 EDT 2010

Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
> On Monday 26 July 2010 20:49:28 Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> The contour files must be re-processed so that they contain the same
>> attributes, and then provided to all benchmarking teams.
> No, they don't.
> What did I say about real-world data with real-world problems?  :-)
> The data comes from two projects (the "old" BCN and the "new" BTN). Each sheet 
> comes from either BCN or BTN.
> Just thank the FSM I didn't provide a BCN_roads and BTN_roads :-D

there are many ways to work around this, but, that would not be a real 
world case.  For no reason ever would i use 8 different layers for one 
contour file, this is not optimal performance.  yes there are many ways 
to use 8 layers at once....anyway i've said my opinion.

I am surprised that MapServer will be benchmarked while displaying one 
contour file in 8 different layers.  Maybe I'll learn something from 
using so many layers, who knows.

have a nice night all.


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