[Benchmarking] Creating back the mosaic of bigtiffs

Andrea Aime aaime at opengeo.org
Fri Sep 3 08:06:39 EDT 2010

I'd like to setup a mosaic of bigtiffs like the one we had
at the beginning of the tests.

Not sure if a copy was kept? Otherwise that will keep the
linux machine running full steam for a while (I think I'll
split the process in two parts so that we can leverage
a bit the various CPU available... or maybe four... not
sure what would end up flooding the disk).

What would be a good time to do that?

Oh, also, I'd like to copy over from the windows server
the single ECW file that ERDAS prepared, just to see
how we perform in that case (gut feeling, we would
not perform that well, but worth a shot?).
And I guess it would be interesting to see how the
server behave against a single giant bigtiff of
the whole area (insane? probably!)


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