[Benchmarking] Google Doc of Results: Start on Charts

Dane Springmeyer dane at dbsgeo.com
Tue Sep 7 06:32:45 EDT 2010

You should have received the link from Jeff to the Google doc where final results should be posted by each server team.

Right now we have results for:

QGIS Mapserver

I have taken a crack at putting together visual charts of the summary results. I have placed the chart beside (to the right) of the data tables. To keep the colors in the key consistent each server right now will appear in the legend even if they do not present results (e.g. Mapnik does not support raster reprojection and therefore will not be able to add results for "raster 3857" and "Vector & Raster 3857" but will still appear in the legend).

I'm sure others may have suggestions and improvements to the charts. I propose we discuss details at the meetup tonight after the AGM.



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