[Benchmarking] 2013 Shootout?

Iván Sánchez Ortega ivan at sanchezortega.es
Mon Apr 8 09:38:35 PDT 2013

On Lunes, 8 de abril de 2013 18:07:37 Jeff McKenna escribió:
> I see that the FOSS4G-Nottingham call for presentations ends at the end
> of this week (http://2013.foss4g.org/programme/call-for-papers/), and I
> am wondering if there is any interest from teams to participate in an
> exercise this year.
> Are there any other software teams interested?
> Note that everything/anything is possible and open

I would like to do something just for fun.

Me and my friend Pedro-Juan Ferrer have been doing a couple of workshops in 
Girona, about how to configure and run mapproxy.

And I'm wondering how big is the loss (or gain?!) of performance when running 
mapproxy as a front-end for the usual WMS servers in the shootout.

The best part is that, as mapproxy will be leeching maps off other WMS 
servers, no cartographic configuration is needed :-D

I don't know if the mapproxy guys are willing to take part in this - Oliver, 
thoughts?. If not, I'd like to give it a shot myself.

Iván Sánchez Ortega <ivan at sanchezortega.es> <ivan at geonerd.org>

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