[Board-es] [Fwd: [Board] Board Meeting on Friday,
2008-11-14 17:00 UTC]
Lorenzo Becchi
lorenzo en ominiverdi.com
Jue Nov 13 18:55:28 EST 2008
a ver si logran esta vez
6 de la tarde para nosotros
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Board] Board Meeting on Friday, 2008-11-14 17:00 UTC
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 14:32:17 +0100 (CET)
From: Arnulf Christl (OSGeo) <arnulf.christl en wheregroup.com>
Reply-To: arnulf en osgeo.org
To: board en lists.osgeo.org
the next board meeting is tomorrow at 17:00 UTC. That is two hours later
which seems to be the best compromise after tallying the answer mails I
It seems like we should be able to get quorum but I have not heard back
from all yet. Jeroen has already said that we will not be able to make it.
So please make sure that you show up tomorrow. Check times, we are two
hours later on UTC but this may translate into something different in your
time zone due to daylight cheating. Rougly 27.5 h from now:
Best regards,
Wook of the Beek
Everything is Miscellaneous
David Weinberger
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