[Board-es] [Fwd: Re: [Marketing] AAG 2009 Proposal]
Lorenzo Becchi
lorenzo en ominiverdi.com
Jue Oct 9 12:50:41 EDT 2008
se me había olvidado que para algunos eventos se puede pedir a OSGeo si
nos contribuye con poca plata pero bastante para poner un booth (quiosco?!?)
y algunos materiales imprimidos.
que os parece?
podría ser una primera charla de liason officer cuando lo aprueben!
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Marketing] AAG 2009 Proposal
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2008 10:43:38 -0400
From: Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam en pobox.com>
To: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter en gmail.com>
CC: OSGeo Marketing <marketing en lists.osgeo.org>
References: <48DF179B.8 en wildintellect.com> <48DFF3C0.7030908 en gmail.com>
<48EC34C1.5060607 en wildintellect.com> <48EC65D3.3030503 en gmail.com>
Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Alex,
> I don't expect you will get a commitment from the Marketing Committee
> before Tyler returns (on Monday).
> Even then, OSGeo's budget is small, ~ $3K per local chapter. And I'd
> argue that OSGeo doesn't have resources to fully fund participation at
> any event.
I would like to stress that OSGeo does not have a "per chapter"
marketting budget. The budget is applied strategically by the
committee - not on a basis of chapter-equality.
> I suggest you approach local Open Source industry who will be at the
> conference. You may be able to share a booth with them.
This is certainly a good idea. And I agree that it will be hard to get
any action from the committee before Tyler's return.
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam en pobox.com
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