[Board-es] OSGeo Spanish LC Board members email request

Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses pferrer en osgeo.org
Sab Ene 23 07:54:01 EST 2010

Hi Frank, I contact you as the Liaison officer of the Spanish Local
Chapter, but I don't know if this request is well directed just to you
or if you prefer that we put a ticket in the Foundation Trac.

The Spanish Board (Board-es) has changed some of their members in the
past elections and we would like to know if it would be feasible to
have a mail forward of @osgeo.org for the new Board-es Members.

Would it be possible?

If so, these would be the forwarding details

mgarcia en osgeo.org  -> michogar en gmail.com
fpalm en osgeo.org  -> francisco.palm en gmail.com

Thanks in advance,

Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
Valencia (España)

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