[Board-fr] OSGeo-fr : new board

Yves Jacolin (free) yjacolin at free.fr
Dim 20 Juin 08:51:26 EDT 2010

Hi OSGeo Board,

A new board for the Francophone Local chapter has been elected this month for 
the next year (09/2010-08/2011).

* Hervé Halbout : president
* Vincent Picavet : treasurer
* Jean-Roc Morreale : Software committee 
* Gael Musquet : Data Committee
* Gwenael Bachelot : Organisation Committee

Two contributors leave the OSGeo-fr board : François Van Der Biest and myself.

Gael Musquet is one of the main contributor of OSM-fr. This is the first act 
for the cooperation between the two communities.

How contact OSGeo-fr:
* board-fr at list.osgeo.org (legal associatin board)
* francophone at list.osgeo.org (community)
* board at osgeo.asso.fr (private list)
* president at osgeo.asso.fr
* tresorier at osgeo.asso.fr (treasurer).

This email address won't change in the futur (I hope).

If you have any question, just ask :)


Yves Jacolin

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