[Board-fr] FOSS4G-E funding
Trésorier OSGeo-fr
tresorier at osgeo.asso.fr
Lun 30 Jan 08:47:46 PST 2017
OSGEO-FR is co-organizing FOSS4G-E 2017 which will take place at the ENSG
(Marne la Vallée) from 18 to 22 July. Conference chairmen are Nicolas
Paparoditis (IGN) and Gerald Fenoy (GEOLABS).
During this event, workshops and a code sprint will be held too.
Registrations will be open in the evening and call for sponsorship is
To guarantee this event, we want to ask the Osgeo a financial guarantee .
If, as expected, there are sufficient sponsors and attendees, this warranty
will not be used or severely reduced.
You 'll find more information with links below :
If sponsorship is not a success OSGeo FR would have to assume a bad
balance sheet.
Thanks for your answer and (I hope) your agreement
Jean-Marie Arsac
OSGeo-fr Treasurer
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