[Board-fr] Certification application CartoExpert - Decision User Group required
delazj at gmail.com
Mar 18 Oct 09:04:29 PDT 2022
Hi Hans,
Quite a very late reply. I forgot to get back to you and am sorry for any
inconvenience this might result into.
Regarding Mehdi Semchaoui's request, and after some investigations in the
community, we did not find evidences that himself or his company
CartoExpert have been active contributors (in any of the means you
mentioned in your message) to the QGIS project for the last 4+ years. About
the reputation I can't tell really considering that most of us do not know
Considering the above, our decision is "NO" for now.
Kind regards,
Harrissou on behalf of the QGIS French User Group
Le mar. 10 mai 2022 à 10:55, Hans van der Kwast <h.vanderkwast at un-ihe.org>
a écrit :
> Hi Etienne and Harissou,
> Thanks Etienne for connecting me to the French QGIS User Group.
> Here's the information about the process:
> We've received the application for the QGIS certicate programme from
> CartoExpert. We always check if the course materials are of good quality
> and up-to-date (> latest LTR version). We also check if the contribution to
> QGIS enough. Contribution can be in many ways, see a list below this
> e-mail. Finally, we ask the local QGIS user group to take a decision,
> including the reputation of the applicant.
> Etienne has reviewed the materials and concluded that it meets the
> requirements.
> The applicant (Mehdi Semchaoui) indicated that he contributes mainly
> through translations. The question is if the User Group finds that enough?
> Is Mehdi also a (active) member of the user group? Does Mehdi and his firm
> CartoExpert have a good reputation?
> Please let me know your thoughts on the decision for this application.
> Also let me know if you have any questions.
> Best regards,
> Hans
> -----------------------------------
> Possible contributions to QGIS
> - Development/commits to QGIS
> - Contributions to the QGIS documentation and training materials
> - Translation of QGIS materials
> - Authoring plugins
> - Filing bug reports
> - Financially supporting new feature development
> - Financial contributions to and sponsorship of QGIS
> - Involvement in your local QGIS User Group
> - Publication of open QGIS course ware
> - Authoring QGIS books
> Applicant provided the following info:
> *1. Please prepare and provide a document detailing your organization's
> contributions to the QGIS project. You can send this to us.*
> I'm a french registered consultant and i mainly contribute to the QGIS project
> with a translation activity.
> CartoExpert is an official french certified training center (Qualiopi),
> QGIS commercial support
> <https://www.qgis.org/fr/site/forusers/commercial_support.html> and
> 3LIZ/Lizmap official commercial support & training centre.
> https://www.qgis.org/fr/site/forusers/commercial_support.html
> *2. Please provide access to your course outline/syllabi and a sample of
> the exercises, data and lectures. If there is a course website that
> will help too. You can either email us the materials, course links or send
> them via Google Drive, Box or DropBox.*
> You will find as attached a sample of a power-point presentation (QGIS Introduction)
> and the first page of the QGIS document (with TOC).Please don't share or
> publish.
> *3. Please let us know if there is a local QGIS user group and provide me
> with contact information. *
> There's a french QGIS user group, even if i work a lot with western
> africa (maybe it will be a good project to create one for West Africa :-) ).
> In France, the contact information is Harissou Sant Anna.
> You should contact to M.Etienne TRIMAILLE from 3liz (etrimaille at 3liz.com).
> The goal is efectively to make a €20 donation (or more) to the QGIS project
> for each certificate (for each trainee who want it), in order to contribute
> to the QGIS development. That's right, this creates a good mechanism for
> financial support of the project and i would like to contribute. The
> promotion of this mechanism was explained to me by my partner (Etienne from
> 3LIZ). I find it's great ! I am very motivated to be part of the program
> and even better help the activities of the French users group, according to
> my schedule.
> Please let me know if you have other questions.
> Best regards from Paris ;-)
> <http://www.cartoexpert.com/>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Etienne Trimaille <etrimaille at 3liz.com>
> *Sent:* 10 May 2022 10:38
> *To:* Hans van der Kwast
> *Cc:* delazj at gmail.com
> *Subject:* Re: Certification
> CAUTION: External email. Ensure this message is from a trusted source
> before clicking links/attachments.
> Hi Hans,
> The QGIS User group FR is part of the OSGEO-FR association.
> Harissou Sant-anna is in charge of the QGIS User group FR. I have added
> him in CC.
> What do you want us to check ?
> Regards,
> Le mar. 10 mai 2022 à 10:28, Hans van der Kwast <h.vanderkwast at un-ihe.org>
> a écrit :
>> Hi Etienne,
>> One more question for the review. I can't find a website of the French
>> QGIS User Group. The link on QGIS.org points to the French OSGeo chapter.
>> Is there an official user group with members? If so, who can I contact?
>> Best regards,
>> Hans
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Hans van der Kwast
>> *Sent:* 10 May 2022 10:25:03
>> *To:* Etienne Trimaille
>> *Subject:* Re: Certification
>> Hi Etienne,
>> Great that they fixed it!
>> I'm indeed with my students in the area for hydrological fieldwork. We're
>> staying at Camping du Bourg. Give me a call in that week if you can meet
>> (+31644352654).
>> Best regards,
>> Hans
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Etienne Trimaille <etrimaille at 3liz.com>
>> *Sent:* 10 May 2022 10:19
>> *To:* Hans van der Kwast
>> *Subject:* Re: Certification
>> CAUTION: External email. Ensure this message is from a trusted source
>> before clicking links/attachments.
>> Hi Hans,
>> Thanks for checking.
>> I raised a ticket on github yesterday. It has been fixed :
>> https://github.com/kartoza/prj.app/issues/1430
>> The PR has been merged, maybe he is waiting for the deployment to close
>> the ticket.
>> > By the way, I'm in Digne-les-Bains from 28 May to 4 June. If you are
>> near, we could meet.
>> Great, is-it the week with your students about topography ?
>> Regards,
>> Le mar. 10 mai 2022 à 10:07, Hans van der Kwast <h.vanderkwast at un-ihe.org>
>> a écrit :
>>> Hi Etienne,
>>> Thans for the review. I think I can proceed with that.
>>> For your questions: in my case it always shows euros, see attchments.
>>> I'm not sure why in your case it show dollars.
>>> The invoice has a number #...... If you need something else or custom
>>> invoice you can contact Andreas Neumann. Maybe also ask him about the issue
>>> with dollar/euro. Also good to copy Tim Sutton, because it might be a
>>> config issue in the platform.
>>> By the way, I'm in Digne-les-Bains from 28 May to 4 June. If you are
>>> near, we could meet.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Hans
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Etienne Trimaille <etrimaille at 3liz.com>
>>> *Sent:* 09 May 2022 17:10:11
>>> *To:* Hans van der Kwast
>>> *Subject:* Re: Certification
>>> CAUTION: External email. Ensure this message is from a trusted source
>>> before clicking links/attachments.
>>> Hi Hans,
>>> I have checked the two examples of the training from Cartoexpert. So
>>> submitters need to provide a few pages of the training material ?
>>> It's ok for me, the two PDFs, the program seems long/complete enough and
>>> good quality.
>>> For the contribution side, I'm not sure what to check compare to others
>>> submissions.
>>> Back to the question above :
>>> Le ven. 29 avr. 2022 à 11:22, Hans van der Kwast <
>>> h.vanderkwast at un-ihe.org> a écrit :
>>>> - If you pay with Stripe for the topup you'll automatically receive
>>>> a receipt. You also receive a confirmation e-mail from the platform.
>>>> Example receipt attached.
>>> Thanks for checking.
>>> So your PDF invoice is in EURO.
>>> I have just checked now on the website :
>>> - it's first asking in EURO, see my first screenshot on
>>> changelog.qgis.org
>>> - then on strip, it's the same amount, but the currency is USD, the
>>> second screenshot in on strip.
>>> Which currency will be used on the bank side ? Can you check on strip
>>> what is displayed for you ?
>>> Sorry for asking this question, my company wants everything to be clear
>>> with bank fees according to USD, tax regulation etc ...
>>> I will create a ticket for this bug, because having 2 currencies with
>>> the same amount is not making things clear in the process.
>>> My company would need an "invoice with the invoice ID" with VAT if
>>> needed.
>>> Regards,
>>>> Please let me know if you have more questions.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Hans
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Etienne Trimaille <etrimaille at 3liz.com>
>>>> *Sent:* 28 April 2022 15:43:33
>>>> *To:* Hans van der Kwast
>>>> *Subject:* Certification
>>>> CAUTION: External email. Ensure this message is from a trusted source
>>>> before clicking links/attachments.
>>>> Hi Hans,
>>>> Sorry for the long delay about this topic. I'm indeed a little bit off
>>>> these days from QGIS. I want to come back :)
>>>> And at the same time, I think I wasn't sure what to answer about this
>>>> request, what is expected etc...
>>>> What should we check about Mehdi ?
>>>> Compare to others companies listed on
>>>> https://changelog.qgis.org/en/qgis/certifyingorganisation/list/
>>>> I don't know them all and I don't know their level of participation in
>>>> the QGIS community.
>>>> I also tried to make my "first" certified trainings, but I didn't find
>>>> all my answers on qgis.org website.
>>>> - can we provide the text in another language ? It seems only English
>>>> for now ? I tried to provide the PNG, but the text is printed in English on
>>>> top of it.
>>>> - I'm not sure how to register the event, mainly about the training
>>>> center ? Edit, after checking some existing training course on other
>>>> companies, it seems that most users just put a single "training center"
>>>> labeled with the company name ? (because on go site for some clients, but I
>>>> guess this information is not relevant).
>>>> - Dates : some trainings, are 3 weeks long, but a single or two days
>>>> per week only. But I guess this is more a feature request. For now, we can
>>>> only have start and end dates (so continuous training).
>>>> If we pay with strip, do I need to ask Andreas about the invoice ? Or
>>>> is there one provided automatically ? My boss is curious to have a receipt
>>>> when paying by credit card :)
>>>> Sorry for these questions :)
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Etienne
>>>> --
>>>> Etienne Trimaille
>>>> Ingénieur géomaticien
>>>> www.3liz.com
>>>> +33 6 12 93 11 39
>>>> *Siège social*
>>>> 73, allée Kleber
>>>> Boulevard de Strasbourg
>>>> 34000 Montpellier
>>> --
>>> Etienne Trimaille
>>> Ingénieur géomaticien
>>> www.3liz.com
>>> +33 6 12 93 11 39
>>> *Siège social*
>>> 73, allée Kleber
>>> Boulevard de Strasbourg
>>> 34000 Montpellier
>> --
>> Etienne Trimaille
>> Ingénieur géomaticien
>> www.3liz.com
>> +33 6 12 93 11 39
>> *Siège social*
>> 73, allée Kleber
>> Boulevard de Strasbourg
>> 34000 Montpellier
> --
> Etienne Trimaille
> Ingénieur géomaticien
> www.3liz.com
> +33 6 12 93 11 39
> *Siège social*
> 73, allée Kleber
> Boulevard de Strasbourg
> 34000 Montpellier
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