[Board-fr] Certification application CartoExpert - Decision User Group required

Régis Haubourg regis.haubourg at gmail.com
Lun 24 Oct 08:27:35 PDT 2022

Bien reçu,
j'ai relevé le plafond de la taille des message, on va l'avoir en double du
Merci pour la réponse , 100% en phase

Le lun. 24 oct. 2022 à 17:26, DelazJ <delazj at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hello,
> autre tentative pour vous faire suivre la décision qu'on avait prise il y
> a un moment mais que je n'avais pas exécutée (sorry). Le précédent envoi
> était trop lourd pour la liste board. J'espère que celui-ci passera.
> Harrissou
> Le mar. 18 oct. 2022 à 18:04, DelazJ <delazj at gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Hi Hans,
>> Quite a very late reply. I forgot to get back to you and am sorry for any
>> inconvenience this might result into.
>> Regarding Mehdi Semchaoui's request, and after some investigations in the
>> community, we did not find evidences that himself or his company
>> CartoExpert have been active contributors (in any of the means you
>> mentioned in your message) to the QGIS project for the last 4+ years. About
>> the reputation I can't tell really considering that most of us do not know
>> him.
>> Considering the above, our decision is "NO" for now.
>> Kind regards,
>> Harrissou on behalf of the QGIS French User Group
>> Le mar. 10 mai 2022 à 10:55, Hans van der Kwast <h.vanderkwast at un-ihe.org>
>> a écrit :
>>> Hi Etienne and Harissou,
>>> Thanks Etienne for connecting me to the French QGIS User Group.
>>> Here's the information about the process:
>>> We've received the application for the QGIS certicate programme from
>>> CartoExpert. We always check if the course materials are of good quality
>>> and up-to-date (> latest LTR version). We also check if the contribution to
>>> QGIS enough. Contribution can be in many ways, see a list below this
>>> e-mail. Finally, we ask the local QGIS user group to take a decision,
>>> including the reputation of the applicant.
>>> Etienne has reviewed the materials and concluded that it meets the
>>> requirements.
>>> The applicant (Mehdi Semchaoui) indicated that he contributes mainly
>>> through translations. The question is if the User Group finds that enough?
>>> Is Mehdi also a (active) member of the user group? Does Mehdi and his firm
>>> CartoExpert have a good reputation?
>>> Please let me know your thoughts on the decision for this application.
>>> Also let me know if you have any questions.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Hans
>>> -----------------------------------
>>> Possible contributions to QGIS
>>> - Development/commits to QGIS
>>> - Contributions to the QGIS documentation and training materials
>>> - Translation of QGIS materials
>>> - Authoring plugins
>>> - Filing bug reports
>>> - Financially supporting new feature development
>>> - Financial contributions to and sponsorship of QGIS
>>> - Involvement in your local QGIS User Group
>>> - Publication of open QGIS course ware
>>> - Authoring QGIS books
>>> Applicant provided the following info:
>>> *1. Please prepare and provide a document detailing your organization's
>>> contributions to the QGIS project. You can send this to us.*
>>> I'm a french registered consultant and i mainly contribute to the QGIS project
>>> with a translation activity.
>>> CartoExpert is an official french certified training center (Qualiopi),
>>> QGIS commercial support
>>> <https://www.qgis.org/fr/site/forusers/commercial_support.html> and
>>> 3LIZ/Lizmap official commercial support & training centre.
>>> https://www.qgis.org/fr/site/forusers/commercial_support.html
>>> *2. Please provide access to your course outline/syllabi and a sample of
>>> the exercises, data and lectures. If there is a course website that
>>> will help too. You can either email us the materials, course links or send
>>> them via Google Drive, Box or DropBox.*
>>> You will find as attached a sample of a power-point presentation (QGIS Introduction)
>>> and the first page of the QGIS document (with TOC).Please don't share
>>> or publish.
>>> *3. Please let us know if there is a local QGIS user group and provide
>>> me with contact information. *
>>> There's a french QGIS user group, even if i work a lot with western
>>> africa (maybe it will be a good project to create one for West Africa :-) ).
>>> In France, the contact information is Harissou Sant Anna.
>>> You should contact to M.Etienne TRIMAILLE from 3liz (etrimaille at 3liz.com
>>> ).
>>> The goal is efectively to make a €20 donation (or more) to the QGIS project
>>> for each certificate (for each trainee who want it), in order to contribute
>>> to the QGIS development. That's right, this creates a good mechanism
>>> for financial support of the project and i would like to contribute. The
>>> promotion of this mechanism was explained to me by my partner (Etienne from
>>> 3LIZ). I find it's great ! I am very motivated to be part of the
>>> program and even better help the activities of the French users group,
>>> according to my schedule.
>>> Please let me know if you have other questions.
>>> Best regards from Paris ;-)
>>> <http://www.cartoexpert.com/>
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Etienne Trimaille <etrimaille at 3liz.com>
>>> *Sent:* 10 May 2022 10:38
>>> *To:* Hans van der Kwast
>>> *Cc:* delazj at gmail.com
>>> *Subject:* Re: Certification
>>> CAUTION: External email. Ensure this message is from a trusted source
>>> before clicking links/attachments.
>>> Hi Hans,
>>> The QGIS User group FR is part of the OSGEO-FR association.
>>> Harissou Sant-anna is in charge of the QGIS User group FR. I have added
>>> him in CC.
>>> What do you want us to check ?
>>> Regards,
>>> Le mar. 10 mai 2022 à 10:28, Hans van der Kwast <
>>> h.vanderkwast at un-ihe.org> a écrit :
>>>> Hi Etienne,
>>>> One more question for the review. I can't find a website of the French
>>>> QGIS User Group. The link on QGIS.org points to the French OSGeo chapter.
>>>> Is there an official user group with members? If so, who can I contact?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Hans
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Hans van der Kwast
>>>> *Sent:* 10 May 2022 10:25:03
>>>> *To:* Etienne Trimaille
>>>> *Subject:* Re: Certification
>>>> Hi Etienne,
>>>> Great that they fixed it!
>>>> I'm indeed with my students in the area for hydrological fieldwork.
>>>> We're staying at Camping du Bourg. Give me a call in that week if you can
>>>> meet (+31644352654).
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Hans
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Etienne Trimaille <etrimaille at 3liz.com>
>>>> *Sent:* 10 May 2022 10:19
>>>> *To:* Hans van der Kwast
>>>> *Subject:* Re: Certification
>>>> CAUTION: External email. Ensure this message is from a trusted source
>>>> before clicking links/attachments.
>>>> Hi Hans,
>>>> Thanks for checking.
>>>> I raised a ticket on github yesterday. It has been fixed :
>>>> https://github.com/kartoza/prj.app/issues/1430
>>>> The PR has been merged, maybe he is waiting for the deployment to close
>>>> the ticket.
>>>> > By the way, I'm in Digne-les-Bains from 28 May to 4 June. If you are
>>>> near, we could meet.
>>>> Great, is-it the week with your students about topography ?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Le mar. 10 mai 2022 à 10:07, Hans van der Kwast <
>>>> h.vanderkwast at un-ihe.org> a écrit :
>>>>> Hi Etienne,
>>>>> Thans for the review. I think I can proceed with that.
>>>>> For your questions: in my case it always shows euros, see attchments.
>>>>> I'm not sure why in your case it show dollars.
>>>>> The invoice has a number #...... If you need something else or custom
>>>>> invoice you can contact Andreas Neumann. Maybe also ask him about the issue
>>>>> with dollar/euro. Also good to copy Tim Sutton, because it might be a
>>>>> config issue in the platform.
>>>>> By the way, I'm in Digne-les-Bains from 28 May to 4 June. If you are
>>>>> near, we could meet.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Hans
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> *From:* Etienne Trimaille <etrimaille at 3liz.com>
>>>>> *Sent:* 09 May 2022 17:10:11
>>>>> *To:* Hans van der Kwast
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Certification
>>>>> CAUTION: External email. Ensure this message is from a trusted source
>>>>> before clicking links/attachments.
>>>>> Hi Hans,
>>>>> I have checked the two examples of the training from Cartoexpert. So
>>>>> submitters need to provide a few pages of the training material ?
>>>>> It's ok for me, the two PDFs, the program seems long/complete enough
>>>>> and good quality.
>>>>> For the contribution side, I'm not sure what to check compare to
>>>>> others submissions.
>>>>> Back to the question above :
>>>>> Le ven. 29 avr. 2022 à 11:22, Hans van der Kwast <
>>>>> h.vanderkwast at un-ihe.org> a écrit :
>>>>>>    - If you pay with Stripe for the topup you'll automatically
>>>>>>    receive a receipt. You also receive a confirmation e-mail from the
>>>>>>    platform. Example receipt attached.
>>>>> Thanks for checking.
>>>>> So your PDF invoice is in EURO.
>>>>> I have just checked now on the website :
>>>>> - it's first asking in EURO, see my first screenshot on
>>>>> changelog.qgis.org
>>>>> - then on strip, it's the same amount, but the currency is USD, the
>>>>> second screenshot in on strip.
>>>>> Which currency will be used on the bank side ? Can you check on strip
>>>>> what is displayed for you ?
>>>>> Sorry for asking this question, my company wants everything to be
>>>>> clear with bank fees according to USD, tax regulation etc ...
>>>>> I will create a ticket for this bug, because having 2 currencies with
>>>>> the same amount is not making things clear in the process.
>>>>> My company would need an "invoice with the invoice ID" with VAT if
>>>>> needed.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Please let me know if you have more questions.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Hans
>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>> *From:* Etienne Trimaille <etrimaille at 3liz.com>
>>>>>> *Sent:* 28 April 2022 15:43:33
>>>>>> *To:* Hans van der Kwast
>>>>>> *Subject:* Certification
>>>>>> CAUTION: External email. Ensure this message is from a trusted
>>>>>> source before clicking links/attachments.
>>>>>> Hi Hans,
>>>>>> Sorry for the long delay about this topic. I'm indeed a little bit
>>>>>> off these days from QGIS. I want to come back :)
>>>>>> And at the same time, I think I wasn't sure what to answer about this
>>>>>> request, what is expected etc...
>>>>>> What should we check about Mehdi ?
>>>>>> Compare to others companies listed on
>>>>>> https://changelog.qgis.org/en/qgis/certifyingorganisation/list/
>>>>>> I don't know them all and I don't know their level of participation
>>>>>> in the QGIS community.
>>>>>> I also tried to make my "first" certified trainings, but I didn't
>>>>>> find all my answers on qgis.org website.
>>>>>> - can we provide the text in another language ? It seems only English
>>>>>> for now ? I tried to provide the PNG, but the text is printed in English on
>>>>>> top of it.
>>>>>> - I'm not sure how to register the event, mainly about the training
>>>>>> center ? Edit, after checking some existing training course on other
>>>>>> companies, it seems that most users just put a single "training center"
>>>>>> labeled with the company name ? (because on go site for some clients, but I
>>>>>> guess this information is not relevant).
>>>>>> - Dates : some trainings, are 3 weeks long, but a single or two days
>>>>>> per week only. But I guess this is more a feature request. For now, we can
>>>>>> only have start and end dates (so continuous training).
>>>>>> If we pay with strip, do I need to ask Andreas about the invoice ? Or
>>>>>> is there one provided automatically ? My boss is curious to have a receipt
>>>>>> when paying by credit card :)
>>>>>> Sorry for these questions :)
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Etienne
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Etienne Trimaille
>>>>>> Ingénieur géomaticien
>>>>>> www.3liz.com
>>>>>> +33 6 12 93 11 39
>>>>>> *Siège social*
>>>>>> 73, allée Kleber
>>>>>> Boulevard de Strasbourg
>>>>>> 34000 Montpellier
>>>>> --
>>>>> Etienne Trimaille
>>>>> Ingénieur géomaticien
>>>>> www.3liz.com
>>>>> +33 6 12 93 11 39
>>>>> *Siège social*
>>>>> 73, allée Kleber
>>>>> Boulevard de Strasbourg
>>>>> 34000 Montpellier
>>>> --
>>>> Etienne Trimaille
>>>> Ingénieur géomaticien
>>>> www.3liz.com
>>>> +33 6 12 93 11 39
>>>> *Siège social*
>>>> 73, allée Kleber
>>>> Boulevard de Strasbourg
>>>> 34000 Montpellier
>>> --
>>> Etienne Trimaille
>>> Ingénieur géomaticien
>>> www.3liz.com
>>> +33 6 12 93 11 39
>>> *Siège social*
>>> 73, allée Kleber
>>> Boulevard de Strasbourg
>>> 34000 Montpellier
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