[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo: Taking stock of OSGeo after six months

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Wed Aug 16 14:05:09 PDT 2006

Gary Lang wrote:
> As a board member, I’d like to throw out a question to our audience, 
> as we reach the six-month mark.
> I’d be very interested to hear the general public’s description of the 
> following, from their perspective:
> What’s not working about OSGeo?
- incubation process is a bottle neck
- developer and user community benefit (so far has been work for no 
visible gain, I have hopes FOSS4G will change this, and OSGEO is a long 
term play for us so I am not surprised)
- feedback on several issues (documentation license, site look and feel 
- viscomm: coordination on promotional materials (only found geotools 
handout by accident - and name is GeoTools not Geotools, and project 
logo not present )
- procedures, could not quickly find out how to announce a recent 
release (I am sure it is my fault but still)
- committee communication with projects (ie community is not in the 
habit of checking out the flurry of email lists and committees have not 
contacted project representatives as needed)
> What is working about OSGeo?
- Incubation process is a bottle neck (yes this is on both lists)
- Incubation forcing a us to address many issues that have always waited 
for a driver
- publicity at conferences
- wiki (as collaborative tool)
- IRC channel (meet and greet)
> Thanks ahead of time for your comments.
> Gary
Thanks for all you hard work Gary, and the board it has been an 
interesting ride, and I hope participation picks up in the months ahead.

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