[OSGeo-Board] board nominee list

Daniel Brookshier dbrookshier at collab.net
Tue Mar 14 15:04:21 PST 2006

I'll post it.

Daniel Brookshier
Community Manager
Office: 972-422-5261
Cell: 214-207-6614

On Mar 14, 2006, at 3:55 PM, Chris Holmes wrote:

> Hey webcom, could you guys post this nomination text for me?  And  
> hopefully QA it a bit before posting it?  If anyone (webcom or  
> board) could review to make sure I got all relevant snippets and  
> spelled things right, that would be great.  And if you webcom guys  
> want to reformat it or adjust things, go for it.  I just used Open  
> Office, and had troubles with my paragraphs going all the way  
> across the screen, so things may be a bit weird.  But I checked it  
> on ie and firefox, and it seemed to look ok.
> Oh, and webcom, if you reply to this, please remember the (*cough*)  
> collaboration feature and be sure to cc me in the reply, since I'm  
> not on this list.
> best regards,
> Chris
> -- 
> Chris Holmes
> The Open Planning Project
> thoughts at: http://cholmes.wordpress.com
> Name
> Nominator, Seconds
> Nomination Text
> Seconds Text
> Jody Garnett
> Cameron Shorter, Frank Warmerdam
> I'd like to nominate Jody Garnett for the OSGeo Board.
> Jody sits across many of the java based OS GIS projects:
> He is the OSGeo representative, PMC member and developer for Geotools,
> He is the architect and team lead for UDig,
> He is a developer on Geoserver,
> In the OGC he is involved with GeoAPI and improving OGC standards  
> (especially during the OWS3 testbed),
> He has been hacking Geospatial code for over 10 years and currently  
> works for Refractions Research.
> Jody's commitment to Open Source, GIS and building communities  
> ooses out of him, which is why I strongly recommend him for the board.
> Folks,
> I would like to second this nominations since Cameron beat me to it.
> - Frank Warmerdam
> Michael Gerleck
> Chris Holmes, Gary Lang, self
> I had never met or heard of Michael before the meeting in Chicago,  
> but I found his contributions and advice to be incredibly  
> valuable.  He played a key role in helping to figure out the  
> initial governance bootstrapping, and since has followed up with  
> solid contributions to the wiki and sounding in on the irc 				 
> channel.  I think he would continue to provide a very reasoned and  
> well thought out voice in the continued bootstrapping of the  
> foundation.
> He could also prove a great resource on the board as an ambassador  
> to proprietary software vendors to build on technologies like GDAL,  
> OSSIM, GeoTools and FDO, a role he's excited about.  And I'm happy  
> to nominate him despite a short track record of os geo software  
> experience, since he already seems quite committed to helping out  
> and spreading OSGeo, regardless of the outcome.
> Seconded. - Gary Lang
> <snip>
> My "agenda", then, is to make sure we reach out to that part of the
> geo community that is today just trying to build good products and
> make some money -- to get them to understand the business proposition
> of the reuse and quality value in existing open source geo packages.
> To teach them that they can use open source internally and within
> their products, without necessarily having to give up their IP or
> open up their entire product line.  To teach them about the value of
> submitting patches back, and to consider donating some money or
> manpower to these projects. Later still, perhaps, to consider opening
> up some of their own lesser projects, and to go on the record about
> their use and support of open source software.
> </snip>
>  full text at:
> https://mail.osgeo.org/servlets/ReadMsg?listName=discuss&msgNo=260
>  - Michael Gerleck
> Ned Horning
> Tyler Mitchell, Frank Warmerdam
> Ned works in the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation for the  
> American
> Museum of Natural History (http://cbc.amnh.org/) as program manager  
> for
> remote sensing and GIS. He is an active promoter of open source  
> geospatial
> tools in the global conservation community, including the  
> development of
> teaching materials using these tools.  He sees the bigger picture  
> from an
> end-user perspective and has plenty of ideas for how he would like  
> to see
> them come together for the greater good.  I believe more of this  
> perspective
> would be valuable to have on the board and help ensure that the  
> overall
> direction of the foundation is geared toward productive end use of our
> products.  He is active in the conservation domain which has great  
> need for
> OSGeo tools.  He is a likable guy and easy to get along with - his  
> vision and
> enthusiasm are encouraging.  He is doing some great stuff...
> For further background I quote Gary Geller's nomination for Ned from
> https://webcommittee.osgeo.org/MembershipNominations.html
> "...Ned is the Remote Sensing and GIS Program Manager for the  
> American Museum
> of Natural History’s Center for Biodiversity Conservation (CBC). He  
> has
> explicitly included the development and promotion of open source  
> geospatial
> software in his work plan to have the necessary institutional  
> support to
> continue to support this work as part of his professional duties.
>  He has been closely following free and open source geospatial  
> software
> development for over 10 years and has actively participated in a  
> number of
> projects: Currently funding feature development for OpenEV. Added  
> geospatial
> capabilities to NIH Image to support a NASA education project – A Mac
> application that has since been superseded by ImageJ.
> Participated in the NASA Image2000 software project that was  
> eventually going
> to be released to the open source community although the funding  
> plug got
> pulled and the project abruptly stopped. Secured money for QGIS  
> development
> starting in the spring of 2006. Teaches week-long remote sensing  
> courses using
> only free and open source software.”
> I would like to second Ned's nomination.
> Ned has a thoughtful vision of where open source geospatial  
> applications can go, and has worked to making them get there.
> Mark Lucas
> Frank Warmerdam, Gary Lang, Ned Horning, Pericles Nacionales
> Mark has been a supporter of Open Source for many years, and launched
> the RemoteSensing.org portal back in 1999 or so.  For me, the  
> facilities
> and community focus it provided was pivotal in launch of GDAL.  Mark
> also launched the OSSIM project and held together his team after they
> migrated out of ImageLinks.  Mark has good contacts in the US federal
> government, and is helping to bring open source methodologies into  
> some
> groups there.
> Also telling was a comment Mark made in the Chicago meeting.  He  
> stressed
> that we were all there because we wanted to find a way of making what
> we love to do (writing/using open source geospatial software)  
> sustainable.
> I think he has the organizational smarts, contacts, enthusiasm and
> perseverance to held us accomplish that as a foundation.
> Second - Gary Lang
> Well said. I'd like to echo your support for the nomination of Mark
> to the board. I don't know him well but have noted all of the
> qualities you mention through personal communication, his
> participation in RemoteSensing.org and OSSIM, and the Open Source
> Geospatial meetings. He seems to be a good compliment to the existing
> board.
>  - Ned Horning
> I second this nomination.  +1
> -Perry
> Helena Mitasova
> Markus Neteler, Ari Jolma
> Helena is in Open Source GIS since the '80s and a strong and long term
> contributor not only to the GRASS GIS project, but to Open Source
> geospatial technologies in general. I know Helena for 10 years, others
> in this forum maybe for even longer.
> She provides a valuable link to academia and also brings perspective
> from academia. Not just North Carolina State University, but she meets
> with people from other universities as well, including Michael
> Goodchild. She wants to promote OSGeo in UCGIS - University Consortium
> for GIScience), and can also bring some insight into US government
> sponsored GIS-research (federal and NC state). She can provide
> connections to East Europe, too.
> She wants to contribute to the core curriculum project of OSGeo and
> has a lot of experience with graduate students from a great variety of
> disciplines, from engineering, natural resources, computer science,
> geography.
> Seconded.
> Ari
> Dave McIhagga
> Frank Warmerdam, Jason Birch, Gary Lang, Tyler Mitchell, Pericles  
> Nacionales
> I have known Dave since around 1997 when he, Daniel Morissette and I
> all worked for PCI.  When he and Daniel struck out on their own he  
> already
> had a great client service ethic.  But over the following few years he
> also came to appreciate the transformative power of Open Source in his
> own business and in providing his clients better value and quality.
> Since then the name DM Solutions has become synonymous with open  
> source and
> he has become a prophet of the benefits of MapServer and Open  
> Source around the world. His efforts on the OSGIS'04 conference,  
> and his support for
> MapServer and MapTools.org have also been appreciated by the  
> community.
> Dave has great experience in selling the value of open source  
> geospatial
> technologies in the hard edged business world.  He also has community
> building skills, and a willingness to do the right thing even if it  
> not
> the most expedient for his own business needs.
> Dave played a critical role in the launch of OSGeo, and I look forward
> keeping his nose to the grindstone to help make it a big success.
> Seconded - Jason Birch
> I second the nomination.
>   - Gary Lang
> I agree wholeheartedly - Dave has helped fill critical needs in the
> osgeo community and was key in launching the foundation initiative.
> I would really like to see him on the board to help provide his
> insights, ideas and management skills.  I have presented alongside
> Dave at various conferences and kicked many ideas around with him
> over the past few years - it is always a pleasure to work with him.
> Tyler
> I second that!
> -Perry
> Venkatesh Raghavan
> Markus Neteler, Jeff McKenna, Helena Mitasova
> I am honored to nominate Dr. Venkatesh Raghavan
> (http://www.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/~raghavan/indexe.html),
> professor at Osaka City University in Japan, for one of the
> OSGeo board of directors seats.
> Venka is well known in Asia for his promotion of FOSS4G. He co- 
> ordinated the
> successful FOSS/GRASS 2004 International conference in Bangkok,  
> Thailand
> (http://gisws.media.osaka-cu.ac.jp/grass04/).
> Preceeding this conference Jeff McKenna from DM Solutions and me (I  
> was
> awarded a fellowship from Venka to come to Japan and hold a couple  
> of seminars
> in FOSS geomatics) came to Osaka to join the discussions. It was  
> there in
> Bangkok then, over a few drinks, that initial discussions of a joint
> international FOSS geomatics conference for 2006 were discussed, in  
> particular
> by Venka, Dave McIlhagga, Jeff and me. But I can honestly say that  
> it was
> Venka's passion for FOSS geomatics that got the ball rolling. A very
> personable person, Venka has a way of setting you at ease, that  
> hopefully all
> of you will get to experience.
> Venka has been a big promoter of FOSS geomatics in the Asian  
> market.  He has
> personally contributed to FOSS by being instrumental in bringing  
> international
> character support (i18N) to GRASS and MapServer (see http:// 
> www.foss4g.org/),
> writing a tutorial as well as creating FOSS4G installers for  
> Mandrake Linux
> (including a MapServer/MapLab rpm available on maptools.org).
> Venka possesses a passion for FOSS geomatics, and, after discussing  
> this with
> Jeff McKenna, we both feel that he would be a great asset to have  
> on the board.
> Venka is currently traveling through Vietnam and Thailand, but he  
> has said that
> when he returns he is excited to take more of an active role in the  
> OSGeo
> discussions.
> I second the nomination.  As mentioned by Markus, it was Venka's  
> vision that brought (and will bring) the GRASS and MapServer  
> communities together initially.  He is already a respected voice in  
> SE Asia for FOSS4G, and his voice would be even stronger with a  
> seat on the board.
> Having travelled to SE Asia, I can tell you that I was surprised  
> and impressed with how vibrant and active the FOSS4G community is  
> there. It's for this reason that I think this is an important  
> nomination.
> - Jeff McKenna
> I second Venka's nomination too. - Helena Mitasova
> Jo Walsh
> Jason Birch, Schuyler Earle, Tyler Mitchell
> Jo Walsh is a respected member of the open geospatial community,
> with a strong involvement in open data.
> http://frot.org/
> I feel honoured to nominate Jo for consideration in the upcoming OSGeo
> board elections.
> Seconded.
>    - Schuyler Earle
> I second that as well.  Jo is level-headed and has been looking out
> for the end users and public in general, particularly with her
> advocacy for open data, but certainly not limited to this.  Whether
> it's natural or not, she appears to be a natural organiser for
> bringing together people of like mind for the greater good.  I also
> believe she can see the bigger picture of how tools, processes, data,
> etc. can all be tied together into a more cohesive infrastructure for
> future possibilities - that is something that I think we could all
> appreciate.
>  -Tyler Mitchell
> <cholmes.vcf>
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