about OSGeo Goals

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Wed Mar 22 23:16:19 PST 2006

Hi All,

In the "OSGeo Goals" at https://www.osgeo.org/content/foundation/about.html

The following items are bulleted

* To promote the use of open source software in the geospatial industry (not 
just foundation software) - PR, training, outreach, ...

* Promotion and Visibility Committee

maybe "Promotion and Visibility Committee" should be in parenthesis without
being bulleted.

About outreach activities, probably one of the activities that could be
considered is an online journal or magazine that could be made available
under Free document or similar licence. Maybe a popular magazine format
would be better.

Presently, the GRASS community is publishing a newsletter and maybe some
others in the OSGEO community are also publishing their own newsletter.
If such efforts could be combined, it maybe possible to start a OSGEO
magazine without much effort and money. Maybe Markus can discuss with
the people who are bringing out the GRASS news letter if they are
interested in combining efforts with others to bring out an expanded
OSGEO magazine. OSGEO magazine can server as a forum for reporting recent 
developments and research, country reports, etc. OSGEO magazine could
also server as a advertising media for OSGEO related companies. Maybe
company sponsors can be given free advertising space in the magazine.

Kind regards

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