apols for last telecon, + getting communications out

Jo Walsh jo at frot.org
Tue Oct 3 05:24:29 PDT 2006

dear all,

I wanted to apologise belatedly and sincerely for almost entirely
blowing out the last Board meeting. I missed my connecting train and
had an entertaining half hour running around Enschede looking for open
wireless access. Which I did eventually managed to find, albeit
briefly before various staff of the shop whose wireless I was
borrowing came to stand about on the step observing me. So I went up
and asked them if I could borrow their phone for a little while to
be in a conference call, this request was met with both amusement and
suspicion. So I went rattling off looking for a payphone, but all the
payphones in Holland now seem to need that exact kind of chip-and-pin
card which I haven't got. At this point it was past 6pm and I
reckoned the call was probably over. Please forgive my discoordination. 
I stopped travelling finally and will be a lot more psychogeographically 
stable over the coming weeks. 
It would be nice to see the notes though, even rough ones not in
proper "minutes" form to get a clearer idea of what was approved and what
still is on the stack and needs looking at harder as there was so much
on the agenda at http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Eighteenth_Board_Meeting

I had some notes and a quick demo about Board blogging but this is
probably best left for another email.

cheers, sorry,


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