[OSGeo-Board] ED Priorities and expenses

Dave McIlhagga dmcilhagga at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Oct 27 07:57:41 PDT 2006


I gave this all a quick read-over. In general I think this looks good - 
and I think Frank's suggestion of putting together a travel and 
administration budget for you to work with makes a lot of sense. I 
believe the last thing we all want is to micromanage your work.

Re. board meeting - unfortunately I've come down with a nasty flu and 
I've lost my voice, so I won't be much use on the call today. Apologies.


Dave McIlhagga
President & CEO, DM Solutions Group

EMail : dmcilhagga at dmsolutions.ca
Phone : 613-565-5056 x15
Fax : 613-565-0925

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Hi all,
> Time to think through a few points about coordinating with you on 
> priorities, events and expenses.  Hopefully we can work through this 
> quickly and then go forward with some clear expectations.  This is what 
> I hoped to cover on Friday, but I want to get the discussion going 
> sooner via email.
> Here are the top priorities for me, as I see them, in order of 
> importance/urgency:
> 1) Infrastructure Migration
> 2) Fundraising initiatives and pursuing 501c3 status
> 3) Community Communications (web site content, newsletter, personal 
> communications, blog, summaries of activity, membership package, etc.)
> 4) Maintain VisCom involvement (conferences, promo writing, etc.)
> Anything else that is high on your list of expectations?
> In Lausanne we talked about a budget for travel to events and meetings. 
> We talked about using for:
> 1) Meeting with others who are key in fundraising, or for meeting with 
> potential sponsors or partners
> 2) Representing OSGeo at conferences and events
> 3) Meeting with local chapters, regional OSGeo-related groups, other 
> committee members or staff
> Are there other things like this that you expect me to be doing?
> To what degree would you like me to pass details by you for approval vs. 
> self-management of a budget?
> Should it be based on a certain spending threshold?  Is there a budget I 
> should plan against?
> The first event I want to bring to your attention is Autodesk 
> University, a conference held over 4 days at the end of November in Las 
> Vegas.  We will have a booth there, courtesy of Autodesk, but only 4-5 
> people who can attend to it with relatively deep knowledge of our 
> various projects.  I would like to help us make a solid presence there 
> by helping manage the booth traffic.  There is also a MapGuide User 
> Meeting planned at the event, in which there is time for introducing 
> OSGeo to the group.  I am supposed to help organise this portion and the 
> event organisers are definitely interested.  The conference will have 
> about 5-6,000 people - I don't think we should pass up such a large 
> opportunity to promote all of our projects.
> Should I plan to go?  Do you have other events or meeting in mind for me?
> Please clarify what office-related expenses I should expect to have 
> covered by OSGeo.  Then I will do up a monthly estimated expense summary.
> Some basics that I assume to be covered are:  broadband, phone and cell, 
> postal box, and basic supplies like paper, toner, etc. as needed.
> Others I am not sure about:
> 1) I plan to use my current office computer and printer, they work fine 
> and I don't mind, but some employers help recover some of the costs on a 
> monthly basis.
> 2) I will be using my home office - we don't need to rent office space, 
> but there are proportional costs for utilities, maintenance and 
> insurance to consider.
> Can you confirm these for me?  What items should I plan for?
> That's all for now, thank you.
> Tyler
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