Post OSGeo Mixer - Reply Requested

Laura Rivera Laura.Rivera at
Thu Sep 7 17:11:32 PDT 2006

We are planning to host a post-meeting mixer/"beer bash" at Taco's Bar
in a private room following Monday's meeting.


This will be in a private VIP room at the same location at the "FOSS4G
Ice Breaker".  Drinks and heavy appetizers will be provided.  Please let
me know how many of you, along with the OSGeo "open meeting" folks would
be anticipated to attend.  


I will plan on having this room marked as "OSGeo Private Party"
beginning at 7:30 p.m. based on when you may be wrapping up the meeting
at the university from the agenda on the wiki.


Tyler, would you please post this information to the wiki.  The
address/location is:


Taco's Bar Sarl

Rue de Geneve 17

1003 Lausanne

+41 (0)21 320 15 25


Trains run every 10 minutes from UNIL-Sorge to Lausanne-Flon


Please let me know the approximate number of people.


Thank you,




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