[OSGeo-Board] Post OSGeo Mixer - Reply Requested

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Fri Sep 8 16:39:10 PDT 2006

Laura Rivera wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> The room can hold 40 people.
> I believe the idea behind an "OSGeo Beer Bash" was to host the folks
> with food and beverage after a long meeting day along with the open
> meeting attendees. It would give an opportunity to digest/discuss the
> day's/afternoon's topics in a relaxed environment.
> The "OSGeo Private Party" signage may be inappropriate.  This could read
> something else, of course.  Due to cost and space, it wouldn't be
> advisable to open it up to all FOSS4G registrants.  However, if there
> are some folks at the "Ice Breaker" venue who are interested in the
> OSGeo, but did not attend the meetings, they could be welcomed/invited
> by other Board members if that was decided.
Cool, sounds good.  Maybe call it 'OSGeo post-meeting party' or some 
such.  And we can mention to our friends but not announce to all coming 
to foss4g.

best regards,


> Thank you,
> Laura 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Holmes [mailto:cholmes at openplans.org] 
> Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 10:46 AM
> To: Laura Rivera
> Cc: OSGeo-Board; Tina Mena; Luc Maurer; Claude Philipona (External);
> Tyler Mitchell (External)
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Board] Post OSGeo Mixer - Reply Requested
> How many can the room hold?
> I must say the concept of an 'osgeo private party' at what is 
> essentially an OSGeo conference is kind of an odd thing.  Like everyone 
> at the conference is likely a potential OSGeo member, and already 
> working towards the general OSGeo mission.
> C
> Laura Rivera wrote:
>> We are planning to host a post-meeting mixer/"beer bash" at Taco's Bar
>> in a private room following Monday's meeting.
>> This will be in a private VIP room at the same location at the "FOSS4G
>> Ice Breaker".  Drinks and heavy appetizers will be provided.  Please
> let 
>> me know how many of you, along with the OSGeo "open meeting" folks
> would 
>> be anticipated to attend.  
>> I will plan on having this room marked as "OSGeo Private Party" 
>> beginning at 7:30 p.m. based on when you may be wrapping up the
> meeting 
>> at the university from the agenda on the wiki.
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Face_to_Face_Meeting_Lausanne_2006
>> Tyler, would you please post this information to the wiki.  The 
>> address/location is:
>> Taco's Bar Sarl
>> Rue de Geneve 17
>> 1003 Lausanne
>> +41 (0)21 320 15 25
>> Trains run every 10 minutes from UNIL-Sorge to Lausanne-Flon
>> Please let me know the approximate number of people.
>> Thank you,
>> Laura
>> 415.507.8749

Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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