[OSGeo-Board] Re: GIS Development in Africa

Sanjay Kumar sanjay.kumar at gisdevelopment.net
Sun Sep 17 20:54:20 PDT 2006

Hi Raghavan,

It would be our pleasure to have representative of OSGEO in the said Panel 
Discussion at Map Africa. I would go by your advice and request you to 
confirm the availability of the OSGEO representative.

Swati, please send more details on Map Africa to Prof. Raghavan.

With best regards

Sanjay Kumar
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Venkatesh Raghavan" <raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp>
To: "Arnulf Christl" <arnulf.christl at ccgis.de>; "Sanjay Kumar" 
<sanjay.kumar at gisdevelopment.net>
Cc: <africa at africa.osgeo.org>; <international-discuss at osgeo.org>; 
"Yewondwossen Assefa" <assefa at dmsolutions.ca>; <yassefa at dmsolutions.ca>; 
<peter.loewe at gmx.de>; "OSGeo-Board" <board at board.osgeo.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2006 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Board] Re: GIS Development in Africa

> Hi Sanjay,
> Pl. give feedback about OSGeo participation in Map Africa.
> I think Assefa would be an ideal person to talk about
> OSGeo and also OGC compliant services offered by OSGeo
> Software projects. Peter has also done some work in
> Africa before and I think some some other OSGeo members
> maybe interested too.
> Bye
> Venkatesh
> Arnulf Christl wrote:
>> On Wed, September 13, 2006 21:40, Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:
>>> Hi There,
>>>   Depending on my schedule at work, I would be honored to participate in
>>> GIS related activities in Africa and to be able to promote OSGEO. Please
>>> let me know the specifics of this initiative.
>>> Best Regards,
>> Hello,
>> if things work out that way I would suggest to include the event to the
>> timetable in the Wiki:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Events
>> Additionally it could be worthwhile to start working on the domain
>> https://africa.osgeo.org to reflect ongoing activities and include the
>> africa mailing list. To help people searching OSGeo actually find this
>> information it might also help to put some community related information
>> or discussions in the Wiki:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Africa
>> As this is an internatioanl effort I forward this to the international
>> discuss list in the hope that folks there might get interested in 
>> starting
>> activities in their own language or region.
>> Best regards,
>> Arnulf Christl.
>>> raghavan wrote:
>>>> Hi Sanjay,
>>>> Thanks for the invitation to Map Arfica. I am
>>>> all tied up in activities in Asia. I  would suggest
>>>> Assefa or Peter to be at Map Africa and talk
>>>> about OSGeo at Map Africa.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Venka
>>>> Sanjay Kumar wrote:
>>>>> Dear Prof. Raghavan,
>>>>> I take this opportunity to inform you that GIS Development has
>>>>> committed itself to promote geospatial technologies in African
>>>>> continent -  an initiative which needs global supoort as Africa is the
>>>>> least developed region in the world and it is important to use GIS and
>>>>> Remote sensing technologies in the overall development of the region.
>>>>> We did introduce an African Edition of our magazine and proposed to
>>>>> organise Map Africa conference on 20-22 November in Johannesburg.
>>>>> Theme of the conference is "Building Geospatial Capacity and
>>>>> Infrastructure in Africa" Department of Land (Survey Agency) and
>>>>> Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (Remote Sensing agency)
>>>>> of South Africa are the Principal Sponsors of the conference. In
>>>>> addition, the conference is co-sponsored by Human Science Research
>>>>> Council.
>>>>> I feel that Professional Societies like OSGEO shall take special care
>>>>> of the needs of African region and in view of the same. We are
>>>>> organising a special Panel Discussion on 'Open Source and
>>>>> Interoperability' as part of Map Africa confernece and would like to
>>>>> invite representative of OSGEO to be on the panel and promote the
>>>>> OSGEO in Africa. I do understand about your busy schedule and would
>>>>> appreciate your personal attention to our invitation.
>>>>> With kind regards
>>>>> Chief Executive Officer
>>>>> GIS Development Private Limited
>>>>> G-4 Sector 39, NOIDA, India
>>>>> Sanjay.Kumar at GISdevelopment.net
>>> --
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Assefa Yewondwossen
>>> Software Analyst
>>> Email: assefa at dmsolutions.ca
>>> http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
>>> Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
>>> Fax:   (613) 565-0925
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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