[Board] Motion regarding Systems Support for non-OSGeo Projects, and Fusion (and Motion)

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Mon Dec 10 10:17:58 PST 2007

Arnulf Christl wrote:
> -0


I declare this email motioned failed, and have deferred it to the
January meeting to consider amended forms.  Likewise for the Fusion
hosting question.

> The simple reason being that 2 business days is impossible for me to
> handle, especially if this include looking into things from a political or
> legal point of view.

I would note that if you had any concern you could object, putting the
issue off to a meeting to discuss further and giving additional time
for consideration.  However, 2 days does include some risk that some
board members would miss the issue during the limited time slot.

> I only said -0 because you mention that hobu explicitly wanted us to
> consider this. If you would extend the period for consideration to 5
> business days I am +1 on this.

We can consider this option at the next board meeting.

> To be honest I don't really know why the OSGeo board should have an
> opinion or even veto rights on this process at all? SAC is all volunteers,
> telascience infrastructure is donated to OSGeo without any strings
> attached so what is the board deciding here anyway?

I think Howard has raised his concerns in his email.  From my perspective,
I can imagine some projects that aren't open source that we might consider
not allowing.  Or perhaps a project that is high risk from a legal or
reputational point of view.

>>From this perspective I wonder whether this is meant to provide some sort
> of shielding mechanism against overwork and project inundation of SAC that
> would endanger operation of OSGeo infrastructure. If this is the issue
> then I think we should defer this decision until we better understand what
> this motion is about. I don't think it will be required to wait until the
> next board meeting though. Hopefully I will catch some of the people
> involved on #telascience and can then change my vote to plusone for this
> motion.

I suppose we could revive the motion if you support it.  But I'm not willing
to amend the motion by email and restart the vote.  I think email voting
gets very messy under such circumstances.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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