[Board] ED update
Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)
tmitchell at osgeo.org
Tue Dec 11 15:07:38 PST 2007
Hi, here is a rough list and ideas about some of the things I've been
up to over the past few weeks, several of which we already spoke
about at the board meeting last week. I started this list before the
meeting but kept thinking of more to add to it.
Hope it helps...
* The current issue of the Journal (volume 3) is almost complete but
has been a lot of work. It has taken a lot longer than expected,
largely due to the special nature of this issue focused on FOSS4G
Proceedings. Articles didn't fit into nice little categories like in
previous volumes, so we had to roughly allocate them to a smaller
number of editors.
* 4-5 new helpers, editors, reviewers added to team. A couple team
members have gone MIA, we are clearly maxing out some volunteers or
some are losing interest, so the new members are more than welcome.
* We'll have a year-end wrap -up with this volume, then do a review
and plan for changes in 2008. Including using the Open Journal
System to manage the workflow. Great help from Venka's team in
loading OJS.
Legal Charitable Status
I'm working with the legal contractor to get our paperwork in order.
He's done a few sets of initial review and is confident that we are
well on our way. He now has provided a set of questions back to me.
He has also provided me with several documents we've needed to
develop. I will go through all this shortly and forward more copies
of items/questions/issues to the board list.
Japan Trip
* I was invited to speak at two events - one in Osaka and the other
in Tokyo.
* Met many companies and organisations using or interested in OSGeo,
and learn generally how they are addressing projects and issues.
* Talk with various groups about potential new or incubating projects
- i.e. Pg Routing. Several "what if" scenarios.
* Learn more in-depth what kind of work Venka/Osaka City Univ. and
Orkney are doing, along with several other companies. Presentations
from Venka's students, including an OSGeo Marketing perspective talk
from Daniele.
* Had OSGeo Japan Chapter meetings, groups were very grateful to have
an OSGeo rep there.
* Lorenzo Becchi, Markus Neteler, Schuyler Erle and Geoff Zeiss were
also there for some of the meetings so it was a great time to meet,
discuss and brainstorm.
Marketing Direction
* Helping support the marketing proposal to develop material,
thoughts and branding concepts.
Education Status
* Not too active, but helping on system's side when needed and
helping find and register new curriculum.
Finance Committee
* Reconciling books against account
* Budget, reporting tools and day-to-day tracking of payables/
receivables (checks, invoices continue)
* Quarterly donation from Autodesk ($30k) received, INGRES ($10k)
received bill for GDAL $3k too.
* $54k currently in bank
2007 Report
* Have been thinking a lot about what is needed. Hope is that much
material can be lifted from the Journal, if not now, in the future.
* Need to set some requirements for reporting to committees, projects
* To Include:
** 2007 financial review
** Reports from all committees, projects, Local Chapters
** Report from the Board
** Key highlights from 2007
** Membership numbers
* End of March
* Will publish through first or second Journal of 2008
Local Chapters
* Continuing irregular questions about roles/responsibilities of
chapters. Most run fine without any apparent confusion. But some
newer ones still ask about "rules". All we have are "guidelines"
which means some LC are going to be timid, when they actually desire
more specific direction or want to know their boundaries. This
includes confusion with how the LC interacts with OSGeo on: funding,
branding usage, representation at events, sponsors, fundraising,
etc. My sense is that the loose "guidelines" method helped to get
LC's started with few strings attached and little direction, but that
to manage them into the future will require clearer responsibilities,
requirements and/or plans for running them. This is just food for
thought, as we continue to see LC's grow and feel out their way.
* I continue to help coach some of the new chapters that are getting
up and running.
* Helping start provincial BC LC
* Some discussion about funding management with LC's would be
valuable: how can LC give money to OSGeo (i.e. "let OSGeo handle it
for them") and how can LC get money to support efforts, events, etc.
* Ongoing, all the time. Website upgrade hasn't required much help
(thanks to Wolf)
* Upgrading various utilities and apps, including Open Journal and
Conference systems
* Adding mailing lists, Drupal content, etc.
* Blog post to help keep people current on what communication options
are available, etc.
* Ongoing general communications via email, etc.
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