[Board] Funding for booth at Location Intelligence

Dave McIlhagga dmcilhagga at dmsolutions.ca
Sat Feb 24 09:19:50 PST 2007

Happy to help in any way I can.

I'd like to see a month by month breakdown of projected revenues, 
baseline (minimum) expenses, and a series of optional expenditures. This 
along with a cash-flow indicator by month should give us a good starting 

In other words -- how much money do we have today, how much money can we 
expect over the next 12 months can we expect with reasonable certainty, 
and what are expense commitments do we have at the moment.

Then we'll need to take a good hard look at the revenue side of the 
equation so we know what the critical path forward is to ensure we can 
function. This should be driving our fundraising activities. We need to 
treat fundraising as a Sales funnel with targets we need to hit to make 
things work -- simple as that. Sounds ugly, but it's reality.

Tyler -- I don't think I need to underscore this, but I'm sure you can 
appreciate that your #1 priority needs to be the ongoing sustainability 
of the organization above all else. As long as that is secure, other 
activities can move forward -- but without sustainability, OSGeo won't 
have much of a future.


Gary Lang wrote:
> I'm looking at the same data and thinking the same thing.
> Tyler and Laura are pulling this together for me to get a clearer 
> picture. Can you pitch in with some ideas here?
> Gary
> --------------------------
> Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Device
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Dave McIlhagga (External)
> To: Tyler Mitchell (External)
> Cc: Gary Lang; OSGeo-Board <board at lists.osgeo.org>
> Sent: Sat Feb 24 08:55:18 2007
> Subject: Re: [Board] Funding for booth at Location Intelligence
> Tyler, Board,
> I'm just getting caught up after a few weeks away, so apologies if I'm
> behind in some background information.
> I reviewed the financial statement for jan 06-07, but I'm feeling a bit
> concerned about our realistic financial status looking forward over the
> Jan '07-'08 period.
> I think it would be irresponsible to approve the location intelligence
> funding, or the vis com budget without the comfort that we have
> reasonable certainty of sufficient cash-flow to meet our minimal
> commitments over the course of the year.
> Is there any documentation that I'm missing that would give some ideas
> in terms of financial standing and expected revenues/expenses during the
> '06-'07 budget year?
> Dave
> --
> Dave McIlhagga
> President & CEO, DM Solutions Group
> http://www.dmsolutions.ca/premiere/
> EMail : dmcilhagga at dmsolutions.ca
> Phone : 613-565-5056 x15
> Fax : 613-565-0925
> Tyler Mitchell wrote:
>  > Hi Gary and all,
>  >
>  > You may have seen already Michael's request for a VisCom budget.  My
>  > hope was that with that budget we wouldn't need to have multiple VisCom
>  > requests to the board for approval, but I have some pressing needs with
>  > one event and need to know if I can commit future funds to it.  It would
>  > come out of that budget ultimately, but I need to know sooner than the
>  > board will be able discuss/approve the VisCom budget.
>  >
>  > We've been donated booth space at Location Intelligence, but need funds
>  > to develop the booth and graphics and commit to paying other fees around
>  > the show.  I estimate it will be 5-10k.  Parts of this will be reusable,
>  > so these are somewhat upfront costs plus specific event costs.
>  >
>  > I need to know if I can commit some funds toward this sooner than later
>  > since I have to sign a show contract or turn back the donated booth 
> space.
>  >
>  > This event is on VisCom's official list of events and I've been
>  > coordinating speaking and workshops with others in the community.
>  >
>  > Any suggestions on how to proceed?
>  >
>  > Tyler
>  > _______________________________________________
>  > Board mailing list
>  > Board at lists.osgeo.org
>  > http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/board
>  >

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