[Board] Naming of several mailing lists

Markus Neteler neteler.osgeo at gmail.com
Sat Jan 6 11:13:55 PST 2007

Dear all,

looking at

I see a couple of inconsistencies and strange names
for the new lists. Maybe already too late, but maybe
better now than never:

The following lists have an obscure "Mail_" prefix:
  Mail_africa  	[no description available]
  Mail_announce 	OSGeo Announcements
  Mail_commits 	[no description available]
  Mail_discuss 	OSGeo Foundation Discuss List
  Mail_francophone 	[no description available]
  Mail_mse-users 	[no description available]
  Mail_webmap-discuss 	[no description available]

while there are the more reasonable:
  Africa  	Africa local chapter discussions
  Brasil_commits 	[no description available]
  Brasil_cvs 	[no description available]
  Brasil_issues 	[no description available]

- What's the difference between "Mail_africa" and "Africa"?
- "Mail_announce" could simply be "announce"
- "Mail_discuss" could simply be "discuss"
- "Mail_francophone" could simply be "francophone"
and so forth.

The veeery long names are also a bit unfortunate:
  Visibilitycommittee_announce  	[no description available]
  Visibilitycommittee_dev 	Visibility Committee Discussion List
  Visibilitycommittee_discuss-de 	Deutschsprachiges OSGeo Marketing
  Webcommittee_announce 	[no description available]
  Webcommittee_commits 	[no description available]
  Webcommittee_dev 	Discussion and development of OSGeo's web presence
  Webcommittee_issues 	[no description available]

-> Webcom_ and Viscom_? But above "Mail_" prefixes are worse.

Finally: Simplyfy this one:
  Www_international-discuss 	Discussion on how to improve
international networking
to "intl-discuss" as before?

should probably be made more similar?

Sorry for bothering,

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