[Board] Activity update

Jo Walsh jo at frot.org
Thu May 17 13:31:09 PDT 2007

dear Tyler, thanks for this. It does help. 
You sound as if you've been rushed off your feet. This was certainly
more fun to read than the time-itemised PDF of before :)

For me this is a question of finding balance in "situational
awareness". I want, as a board member to feel i am doing the right job of 
"oversight". I don't want this to be a "formal report" scene because there 
is a good level of mutual trust between all people assembled here. 
All of us should engage, to the extent we can in an ongoing cost/benefit
assessment of how the Foundation's sponsors' money is being spent 
(more demonstrable benefit = more future investment, right?). 
I don't want to rely on "what's easy to measure" to do this. 

The journal material, from a quick squint, looks great, and it's a
context in which you personally can spend time doing what you're
really good at. Educational PR, ++. Lacking the screentime to really
take in the lists, let alone read the blogs, such "this is the point" 
updates of what both you, Tyler, and others very active on the
promotions side, are doing, on the board channel, is appreciated. 



On Thu, May 17, 2007 at 11:23:55AM -0700, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here's a brief update for you about what I've been up to.
> Location Intelligence conference
> In April I attended this conference, at the event we had a good open  
> source showing: Autodesk donated booth space, the booth had many  
> visitors, four of us did presentations, and there was a good mixer  
> discussion/social after the event that help people cross-pollinate  
> with attendees from the AAG and Web 2.0 meetings happening nearby at  
> the same time.
> While in the San Francisco area I also met with several people from  
> Autodesk, including their legal, marketing and education  
> departments.  One of the more interesting areas was around  
> educational material.  There is some potential that we could have  
> access to their educational material for remixing with an open source  
> curriculum.
> MapServer Meeting, Brasil
> The conference planning team flew me down to be the keynote speaker  
> at this event.  They took me around to see several potential venues  
> for hosting FOSS4G 2008 - they will submit a proposal - but even if  
> they don't win their next event will likely have a broader mandate  
> than just MapServer and probably bring in more than the 300  
> participants they had this year.   There are also many interested in  
> forming an OSGeo local chapter.  This is a very well organised group  
> and was encouraging to see.
> For more see: http://www.osgeo.org/tyler/brasil
> OSGeo Journal
> This effort has been the main use of my time over the past month.   
> I'm editor in chief and was responsible for pulling together  
> contributors, editors and much more.  In the end it took much more  
> time than I had anticipated, largely due to my learning curve with  
> the layout language and making some layout changes.  More volunteer  
> editors in the future will help.  Many people are excited about this  
> venue for promoting, teaching and communicating amongst the  
> communities.  The Journal was released this week and has already over  
> 800 downloads in 2 days.
> For more see: http://www.osgeo.org/journal/volume1
> Website work
> I've been working with Jeff Mckenna to get a file management tool up  
> and running for his conference-related documentation.  Also I've  
> implemented several website changes for handling/storing a document  
> library.
> Naturally there are also hundreds of emails and other conversations  
> that I'm working with to help
> Next up... charter membership nominations and voting, then board  
> elections as well.
> If you are considering resigning from the board and/or would like to  
> put yourself up for re-election on the board, let me know.  That will  
> save us from having to use a totally random methodology to remove  
> some of you from the board.
> Then I'm onto 501c3 prep and to get my head into fundraising mode.   
> I'm not planning on any big trips during the rest of May/June so that  
> I can focus on these items instead of worrying about event planning.   
> I would like to take a week off in June for some holidays though.
> Hope this helps,
> Tyler
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