[Board] Board Meeting Reminder

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Feb 7 10:11:14 PST 2008


Jeff's email about the conference reminded me that I meant to send out a
board meeting reminder yesterday.  Well, anyways, tomorrow (Friday)
we have a board meeting at the usual time:


Agenda at:


There are four routine approvals required.  Incubation graduations of GRASS,
FDO and GDAL as well as the conference selection for 2009.  These are all
recommended by the pertinent committees.

We have discussion on the officer issue.  I'll try and summarize some of
the feedback from the foundation mailing list on this in a separate message.

I'm hoping for a FOSS4G 2008 contracting and budget status review from Paul.
Note, we have not yet approved any budget for FOSS4G 2008 and the LOC isn't
really supposed to be spending money and stuff to any degree till that is

Also, we are to review the SPD Prioritization proposal.  Feedback has been
sought from the discuss list, the Marketting committee and the Incubation
committee.  Not really that much feedback received except from Arnulf, and
that mostly about other aspects of the SPD than the prioritization aspect.
So I'll be requesting a vote of board support for the appropriate proposed in


Following that the issue will revert to webcom responsibility.  Board
support is being sought because of the sensitive issues of prioritization,
what is a contributor and sponsor recognition.

If anyone has other items for the Agenda please add them in the wiki and
let us know if we need to prepare at all.

Best regard,s
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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