[Board] Brief update

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Wed May 26 10:21:17 PDT 2010

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Definitely part of my hopes too!  Trying to enumerate local chapter 
> membership is part of the plan.  So, for example, users can identify 
> which local chapters they are part of, then we can pull together some 
> really fun stats.  Thanks for confirming my hunch that chapters would 
> benefit :)

Actually, what I suggested (and I think Yves and Jorge are in support 
of) was a bit more than that... it's not just about adding choice of 
local chapters to the form, it's about making several entry points (i.e. 
forms) into the system that make the visitor feel at home, as if they 
were in a site managed by their local chapter. Technically it's the 
same, just an extra set of field(s) in the same database, but for the 
visitor it has to feel like it's a local portal.

You have to realize that most non-English speakers from the local 
chapters won't go to a global OSGeo portal to register, even if you ask 
them to. They just don't feel like they belong there. OTOH, provide them 
  with a separate entry point that makes them feel at home, in their 
language and dedicated to their local chapter, and they will be much 
more likely to visit it and register.

Makes sense?

Daniel Morissette

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