[Board] OSM MoU

Tim Schaub tschaub at opengeo.org
Thu Nov 4 10:27:08 PDT 2010

I've initiated a conversation with Mikel Maron (OSM Foundation Board) 
about our interest in putting together a Memorandum of Understanding 
between OSGeo and OSM.  Mikel expressed interest and said he would bring 
it up with the OSM Foundation Board.

We agreed that it would be good to put some more detail to the idea 
before going forward.  I stated that my understanding is that a MoU 
would represent the intent to have OSGeo software integrate well and 
facilitate in the collection of OSM data.

It would be good to answer a few questions before going forward.

Is the sentence below an accurate/complete summary of the purpose of the 
MoU from the OSGeo perspective?

OSGeo is interested in ensuring that OSGeo software integrates well and 
facilitates in the collection of OSM data.

What would be the benefits for OSM of pursuing such a MoU (as opposed to 
continuing with the status quo)?

Are there any concrete examples of differences between how we (OSGeo & 
OSM) operate now and how we would operate after signing a memorandum?

Thanks for any help with these questions.  It will help to have more 
input to flesh out the proposal for the OSM Board.


Tim Schaub
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
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