[Board] Formal votes from today's meeting

Michael P. Gerlek mpg at flaxen.com
Thu Dec 8 11:22:19 PST 2011

Please send me your votes on these motions from today:

1.  approve last meeting minutes (1/Frank, 2/Daniel, all +1)
2.  incubate GeoMoose w/ JodyG as mentor (1/Frank, 2/Jeff, all +1)
3.  incubate Rasdaman (1/Frank, 2/mpg, all +1)
4.  motion to approve NA chapter - MarkL/1, Jo/2 (mpg -1, Frank -1, Jeff +0, Daniel +0, Jo +0, Mark +1, Arnulf 0, Peter +0, Tim +0)
5.  motion to pay Jeff to fly out to Beijing and report back on their readiness, staffing, plans, etc -- at travel costs, plus 4d at $640US/d (mpg/1, pmbatty/2, all +1)
6.  motion to close meeting (Frank/1, Mark/2, all +1)


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