[Board] Board meeting in two days 2011-11-10

Michael P. Gerlek mpg at flaxen.com
Thu Nov 10 08:51:19 PST 2011

> Motion to establish a NA chapter.  I feel there needs to be substantially
> more discussion [...] I am not comfortable with the plan stated on the page to
> establish a 501(c)3 for this chapter.
Agreed, I don't think I'm ready to vote on this yet.  Since the NA local chapter is likely to be as large as all the other LCs combined, and since it is likely to be precedent-setting in many respects, I'd like to better understand how it is going to operate, e.g.:

  - membership? dues?
  - actual plans for getting sponsors
  - list of possible activities to undertake
  - organizational structure (board? Paid staff? Etc?)
  - make sure that Mark's defense focus is aligned with a more generalized NA chapter
This can be done at the PowerPoint level, no need for formality.  (Indeed, I'd prefer this to be done at a f2f meeting...)

Frank, what are your concerns about a 501c3?  Is the "c3" your objection (CUGOS is going to be a c6), or something deeper?

(Note: I am +1 in favor of the idea of NA chapter, I'm just not clear enough on how it all works yet.)

> I am supportive of us doing work on the bylaws and constitution.

Suggest we spin off a Constitutional Congress team to write up where we are, where we should/could be, run a few threads on the Discuss list, and report back to the board.  Said Congress should be 3-5 people, with at least 1 board member, good i18n representation, and good LC representation.

> I am very strongly opposed to giving a percentage of sponsorship
> funds raised to the person who arranges the sponsorship.  

I think I am against it too, on both practical and philosophical levels, if the amount to be given back is at all "nontrivial" (defined as, say, +$500US).  This is a discussion for a different, longer thread though.


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