[Board] IRC vs. matters of substance

Michael P. Gerlek mpg at flaxen.com
Thu Nov 10 11:07:42 PST 2011

At the close of today's IRC meeting, I was discouraged and wrote "I feel we have dealt with administrative matters, but resolved nothing of substance"; Frank asked for clarification.  To be specific, I feel we did not come to any closure a number of major items, including:

- discussion of the North American chapter idea, and what it means as a precedent for OSGeo as a whole
- budget planning for 2012
- the idea of outsourcing certain administrative functions
- ideas for pursuing sponsorships and funding opportunities

Indeed, we didn't even discuss the last three at all.  These issues are what we were elected to do; after taking the bold step of removing the ED position we told the membership we were looking at how OSGeo operates and considering the future of the organization, but we're not doing that.   I feel this requires dedicated face-to-face commitment from all of us.

(We also did not get an update on our current financial health (how much $ do we have right now? how much did we get from Denver?) which I had thought we agreed to do every meeting?  but it may be simply that the treasurer transition isn't sufficiently done for that to easily happen yet)


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