Islandwood Code sprint (was Re: [Board] New MOUs proposed...)

Tyler Mitchell tmitchell at
Tue Sep 6 11:11:03 PDT 2011

There are a few more project specific ones out there too.  I'll try to dig them up. (thinking of QGIS, gvSIG)

On 2011-09-06, at 11:07 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

> Thanks to the wiki updating by Markus, some info on the various OSGeo
> sprints:
> Recurring events:
>  * Bolsena: 3 year history, multiday, multiproject
>  * FOSS4G: 5 year history, single day, multiproject
>  * NorthAmer: 3 year history, multiday, multiproject
> One-time events:
>  * 2007 European sprint: two(?) day, multiproject
>  * 2011 GRASS sprint: multiday, single project
>  * 2011 Lausanne/openlayers:  multiday, single project
>  * 2007 MapBender: single day(?), single project
>  * 2009 uDig: two(?) days, single project
> My goal was to determine the funding models for each of these, to compare
> and contrast, but there's not enough details or commonality in there to make
> it a meaningful exercise, unfortunately.
> Nonetheless, it appears there are only two multiday, multiproject events --
> the NorthAmer one (various cities) and the Bolsena one.  At the f2f, I will
> likely be putting forth the idea that OSGeo should be involved in
> financially assisting major, regional, multiday, multiproject events like
> these two.  OSGeo should also assist in helping other, smaller sprints, but
> with funding and effort levels commensurate with the "footprint" of the
> event, where footprint is defined as (roughly) "number of days * number of
> projects * number of people".
> -mpg
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