[Board] Fwd: Preliminary Survey Results

Michael P. Gerlek mpg at flaxen.com
Thu Sep 22 18:34:37 PDT 2011

For "likely to attend a FOSS4G in NorAmer next year" (#19), the responses


1: 10%

2: 10%

3: 25%

4: 20%

5: 35%


Let us assign probabilities to the 1-5 scale like this:


1: 0% (will not attend)

2: 20% chance of attending

3: 40%

4: 60%

5: 80%


Assume 900 attendees at this conference.  Then, we can project the
attendance at the postulated local NorAmer conference to be


.10(900) * 0 + .10(900) * .20 + .25(900) * .40 + .20(900) * .60 + .35(900) *

= 0 + 18 + 90 + 108 + 252

= 468


Check my math, but we could be looking at a ~500 person gig.






From: board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org]
On Behalf Of Peter Batty
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 6:02 PM
To: foss4g2011-private; board at lists.osgeo.org; conference
Subject: [Board] Fwd: Preliminary Survey Results


Hi all,


Thought I would share a few preliminary results from the post-FOSS4G survey.
As James says below, we'll get the data in a better form for analysis once
we close the survey. But we got responses from 1/3 of attendees within 24
hours, which is great!


A few things I'd highlight:


67% of attendees were at their first FOSS4G

46% answered 5 to the question how heavily do you currently use geospatial
open source, remainder split fairly evenly between 1-4.

61% were software developers as main job function, 18% end users, 20%

Overall rating of FOSS4G was 4.31 on a scale of 1-5, which is impressive!

Highest ranked function was the Wynkoop reception at 4.55.

Quality of presentations was ranked at 4.07.

72% answered 1 or 2 on how likely they are to be in Beijing, 14% answered 4
or 5.

57% answered 4 or 5 on attending a "local FOSS4G" if there was one in North
America next year.

Of various possible options proposed for future FOSS4Gs, the one involving
an annual local conference in North America was the highest rated by some
margin (though obviously a sample skewed towards North Americans).


We need the more detailed spreadsheet to get scores and comments for
individual workshops, I think that will be another important thing to look
at in planning for next year.


Lots of interesting stuff in the comments too that we can use to make future
events better.




---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Sakamoto <jsakamoto at gita.org>
Date: Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:36 PM
Subject: Preliminary Survey Results
To: Peter Batty <peter at ebatty.com>
Cc: Bob Samborski <bsamborski at gita.org>, Libby Hanna <lhanna at gita.org>,
Patricia Essex <pessex at gita.org>

Hi Pete,


Thought we would share the preliminary survey results.  It is still very
early but, so far, you almost have 300 (285) responses which would be nearly
33%!!!  That is a tremendous response.  Generally we get about 10-15%.


This is just the summarized PDF synopsis.  When the survey closes we should
be able to provide you with an Excel formatted report that you can
manipulate as you please.






James Sakamoto

Senior Education Coordinator


14456 East Evans Ave

Aurora, CO 80014

(720) 496-0484 <tel:%28720%29%20496-0484> 

jsakamoto at gita.org


October 24-26, GIS for Oil & Gas Pipeline Conference, Houston, TX

 <http://www.gita.org/oilgas> O&G_banner_email sig



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